James Bell
5 months ago


Hello SPUnky backers,

Over the past few weeks, I've shared most of the manuscript - the core rules, expansion, and building blocks chapters. On Wednesday, we'll have the next big section from the manuscript, the Storyguide Advice chapter.  Alongside those backers-only manuscript downloads, I've been sharing examples from - appropriately - our example game and setting, Pinfall from Grace, Bodyslams from Hell.

This example game setting is included in the book as an example of how to put together the different elements from this book to manufacture your own game. Of course, it's also a fun game premise in it's own right and can be played right out of the book!

Pinfall from Grace, Bodyslams from Hell won't be the only example game in the book, though. You'll see two other examples of how the Storypath Ultra rules can be interpreted, implemented, and adjusted to express different themes and styles.

Over the first half of this campaign, backers have been able to vote on the second example setting, which will present a science fiction flavored take on the rules. This game has yet to be written, but our guidance will give the development and writing team a direction and basic themes to incorporate into their work.

With a narrow margin of 3% or just 15 votes, the winning theme is "An experimental space flight flings the player characters into a distant galaxy full of strange and alien sights"

We'll see how the writers springboard a game and setting from this concept in the final version of the Storypath Ultra Core Manual.

But we've got one more example game to add, this time with a fantasy flavor.

The poll for our third example setting will run from now until the end of the campaign. Only backers of this project are able to vote. The springboard scenario ideas that writers will use to launch their work on our final setting are:

  1. A cozy fantasy game where explorers look for ingredients to help heal their sick dragon friend.
  2. A war-torn world ripped apart by a devastating magic war, and a few surviving wizards try to prove who is the best among them.
  3. A group of young heroes are blessed with magical armor and weapons in order to defeat an evil sorcerer queen seeking to destroy their land.

Again, these example settings will be about 30,000 words, so about double the size of a typical Onyx Path jumpstart supplement. That's enough to give you a pretty good overview and set you up for a few game sessions that you can build an ongoing campaign on. 

So, let's start the voting! And feel free to discuss in the comments and on Discord! What fantasy scenario do you like best? What sorts of paths and powers would you like to see created for the fantasy example?

And let's keep this project growing! We're doing amazingly well, and I expect to keep rocketing right to the end.

I'll be back on Tuesday with another section from our first example setting, where I hightlight some of the Building Block ideas used to create Wrestling Matches, and then our next manuscript section for backers on Wednesday.


604 votes • Final results




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