James Bell
3 months ago

Project Update: An Update Disguised as a Pretend Q&A

Welcome to Law & Order: SPU.

Or more like Question & Answer: SPU.

Today, I've got an assortment of brief topics to cover in an update, so I'm going to pretend that I'm providing Answers to some Questions in an attempt to provide some cohesion between subjects. Ready to play along?

Let's go!

Some Answers to Pretend Questions

Q: Thanks for providing backers with the first two chapters of the draft manuscript! There's a lot of awesome stuff there! I was confused at one part, though, but I think it may just be the result of a typo or dropped reference... or maybe a clarifying word should be added. Is there a way to let Onyx Path know so they can fix this before the final release?

A: Yes! Now that you've had a chance to read some of the manuscript and see what it's about, I can unveil the Storypath Ultra Draft Manusript Feedback Form! This manuscript hasn't yet gone through the final editing and development stages, and while I don't expect any significant changes, you can help the developers and writers make it the best version possible by sharing your feedback directly with the team!

Here's the link to the SPU Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/1fGuU881zBHPsktz7

Share your feedback on the draft manuscript directly with the development team!

Again, this draft manuscript will go through the regular editing and development process so the team will catch stuff where they may have written Stroypath instead of Storypath, but if you've found a bit that says "seven" instead of "several" you can help the team out by letting them know using this form.

Again, here's the link to the SPU Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/1fGuU881zBHPsktz7

Submit your feedback and provide some direction and guidance for the team as they shepherd the manuscript through those final stages of development. 

Q: I really liked reading the Expansion section of the manuscript and sort of see how you can develop Paths for your game idea, but I'm not 100% certain how they should be expressed. The samples you've shared from the example setting Pinfall from Grace helps, but I wish the final book had another example setting or two to really underline how it could all come together. Would it be possible to include another example setting in the final book?

A: I'm glad you asked! Yes, the final book will actually include THREE example games to show you how SPU can be used to bring systems and structure to your setting concept. In addition to Pinfall from Grace, we'll have a Sci-Fi flavored setting and a Fantasy flavored setting, and the best part is backers of this campaign will help provide the direction for the writers to take while creating these!

Backers who join in during this Crowdfunding campaign can participate in these example setting polls as part of the "rewards" for your support.

For the first poll, you'll be voting on a Sci-fi setting example. Your options:

  1. Cyber-enhanced humans fly corporate-owned starships in search of new life and new financial opportunities.
  2. Futuristic superheroes fight interdimensional monsters in order to keep them from destabilizing reality.
  3. An experimental space flight flings the player characters into a distant galaxy full of strange and alien sights.

Voting will run until September 14th at 2:00 PM EST. You must be a backer of this project to vote for this setting.


Right now, we have 800 backers for this project and we've seen just over 400 votes, so that means almost HALF of our backers haven't voted! If you've got a preference for any of these ideas, make sure you have your say before this first poll ends on Saturday!

While I'm typing this, LOST IN A DISTANT GALAXY is ahead with 43% of the vote, but just barely with CYBER-ENHANCED HUMANS FLY STARSHIPS cose behind at 38%.

These additional game examples will be about the same size as Pinfall from Grace, so about 30,000 words or double the traditional length of an Onyx Path jumpstart supplement. So not comprehensive, but a fantastic place to introduce concepts and explore some expression of key components of the setting.

Personally, I want option 1 because I imagine it containing elements of Red Rising. Or really, I want option 2 because I imagine elements from Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets. Or, to be totally honest, I'm hopeful for option 3 and I want it to have pieces I can borrow to explore a Farscape-like idea I have.


We'll have a second poll running during the final half of the campaign, where backers will be voting on one of the Fantasy Setting options.

Q: I like reading about new Paths and Tricks and other options presented in the example setting. I have some ideas about additional options that could make some games more fun or help others fully flesh out the game idea they have. Is there a way for me to share these creations?

Have you heard about Storypath Nexus? That's Onyx Path's Community Content program where they let you publish material for some of their games within certain parameters. You can find out more here: STORYPATH NEXUS

Q: Yes, I have heard about Storypath Nexus. I've actually got some ideas for They Came from {CLASSIFIED] that I can't wait to publish, but I know that it takes a long time to get the guidelines all sorted out for the various game lines and it could be a while before Storypath Ultra is set up on Storypath Nexus, since there are still many releases to get up there first!

A: Well, first off, I'm not sure that's a question. Secondly, yes, it takes the team a while to get all of their guidelines worked out for each game line and release. But you're in luck because we had a stretch goal to move Storypath Ultra to the top of the list.

ACHIEVED - At $30,000 in Funding - COMMUNITY CONTENT PROGRAM - Onyx Path will expedite adding Storypath Ultra material to the Storypath Nexus Community Content Program. 

Now, that doesn't mean it'll happen immediately - things still take time, and even though Onyx Path creates a remarkable amount of material, they're still a small team. But getting SPU up on Storypath Nexus sooner rather than later will likely help wtih a lot of things in the channel, so it's going to be worked on as quickly as possible.

Q: That sounds good. But what if I have an idea that's a bit ... beyond the scope of the Storypath Nexus. It's not new content or options for one of their existing lines, or soemthing that could be bolted onto SPU. I have some experience in publishing already and I'd like to maybe release my own rpg but update it to utilize the Storypath Ultra ruleset?

A: An interesting idea! And that brings me to our next Stretch Goal!

At $40,000 in Funding – APPROVED LICENSING PROGRAM - Onyx Path will develop guidelines and a review process for approved publishers to create material using the Storypath Ultra system outside of the Storypath Nexus community content program.

If we hit that funding target, Onyx Path will figure out a licensing program for publishers who want to work beyond the bounds of what Storypath Nexus offers, and set up a application process to approve projects to use the Storypath Ultra system.

Again, this is earliest stages, and nothing is figured out beyond that Stretch Goal graphic, but the intent is now known, and details will be sorted at some point in the future.

Q: Speaking of Stretch Goals, can you do a quick review to show us what we've hit and what lies ahead?

A: Sure! Here you go...

ACHIEVED - At $30,000 in Funding - COMMUNITY CONTENT PROGRAM - Onyx Path will expedite adding Storypath Ultra material to the Storypath Nexus Community Content Program.

ACHIEVED - At $35,000 in Funding - DIGITAL WALLPAPER - Sensational SPU artwork will be used to create a wallpaper for your computer desktop. This digital wallpaper will be added to the rewards list of all backers supporting this project.

ACHIEVED - At $38,000 in Funding – STORYPATH ULTRA SHIRT ON REDBUBBLE – A Storypath Ultra-themed Backer shirt will be hosted on Onyx Path’s Redbubble store for a limited time. Only backers will be notified when the shirt becomes available for purchase.

At $40,000 in Funding – APPROVED LICENSING PROGRAM - Onyx Path will develop guidelines and a review process for approved publishers to create material using the Storypath Ultra system outside of the Storypath Nexus community content program.

At $45,000 in Funding –  VTT TOKEN PACK - Digital assets will be created to support online play for Storypath Ultra games, including key character and creature tokens from the book. This online asset pack will be added to the rewards list of all backers.

And there you have it! A lot of quick topics today, and then a break tomorrow. But I'll be back on Thursday to share some Miracles, and then our next manuscript section comes on Friday when we get the Building Blocks.

Please VOTE and continue to spread the word around the net, and  have fun conversations in the Discord!





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