James Bell
4 months ago

Project Update: October 2024 Monthly Update

Hello Scions!

It's time for our regular monthly update! Last month was a biggie, with the Scion: God PDF finalized and released on DriveThruRPG. This month will be a quick check in, but I'll have a preview from our Divine Inspiration stretch goal supplement next month for you! Look forward to that!


With the PDF finalized, print prep continues on our hardcover reward. It's all a matter of confirming specs and locking in the schedule for the print run and delivery. Until Onyx Path has updated the status to "Printing" it will still take some time to work it's way to us. I'll update as I learn more info.



You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <September 2024 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final reward has gone out.


If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:


If you've got a question about your pledge or BackerKit page or any part of the process, you can contact me with any of these methods

  •  Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at] gmail.com
  •  Via Kickstarter: Click Richard Thomas under the "Created By" heading on the main page, and then press the "Contact Me" button - the message will come to me!
  •  Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.


CURSEBORNE is now live on Kickstarter, but ending in 9 days!

Curseborne is a game about being unapologetic monsters in a world where being monstrous is the least of your worries. In Curseborne, you play as Accursed, descendants of monstrous lineages lurking in a modern world that closely resembles our own. You rebel against the ancient feuds between these entwined families, as well as against the web of curses that bind you, while fending off inhuman antagonists seeking to claim — or reclaim — your power.

The world of Curseborne is full of intrigue, magic, and things that go bump in the night. It’s just like our world, except the reason that things don’t go your way or that bad things happen is that the people are literally living in a world of curses. Some people are cursed more than others, and these are our Accursed characters. They have a particularly large curse that hangs over their heads and makes them more prone to bad things happening to them and around them. The nature of this curse also makes them magical in nature. They have a sense of the thing holding them back, and they can manipulate it in ways that normal people cannot.

This book is comprised of two main parts. The first part is the setting of Curseborne, as well as more about the Accursed themselves through the view of the characters. It shows how they see themselves, their world, and their place in that world. Lineages represent five broad categories of Accursed: The Dead (ghosts and spirits), The Hungry (vampires), The Outcasts (angels and demons), The Primal (shapeshifters and werewolves), and The Sorcerers (magicians).

The second part of the book are the instructions on how to use this book to play a game. You’ll find the chapters on how to play the game using the Storypath Ultra system, how to create a character, all the cool powers those characters have, and information on how to run a game of Curseborne.

With 9 days left in the campaign, we've passed 500% of our initial funding target and unlocked several Stretch Goals - including three new supplements that will be added as bonus rewards for backers of this project!

Join In!

Want to know more about the Curseborne RPG?

PREVIEW MATERIAL: You can find information from the numerous previews Onyx Path has shared.

Curseborne Actual Play Sessions, including:

DRAFT MANUSCRIPT: Over the course of the campaign, backers will receive access to chapters from the current draft manuscript of Curseborne. By the end of the campaign, backers will be able to read the entire book as it stands now, before any pledges are processed or payments collected. No secret curses with this campaign - you'll know exactly what you're supporting with your pledge. Read the manuscript and make sure the project is right for you.

Back it now and become one of the Accursed!





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