James Bell
8 months ago

Project Update: The Arts of Motion and Control

Hello Outlanders,

I've got another sneak peek for you today, touching on some of the cool stuff that's coming our way in the next backer manuscript drop. Again, this is just a glimpse into the full draft of Chapter 6, which all backers will have access to on Tuesday.

You voted and our top two results are the Art of Motion and the Art of Control!


Martial practices rise among warrior-cultures all across Gaia. Scholars of fighting styles and martial history call these methods Arts. Some Arts are passed from master to student across centuries of refinement and study, while others are reflections of individual skill, honed by a singular warrior’s unique style.  Though they derive from her character’s profession Path, a player purchasing these Arts chooses how her character knows them.

Arts tie into the Momentum pool with Desperation and Readiness abilities. 

Desperation occurs when there are zero Momentum in the pool at the time the Art is activated. A player cannot spend the cost of an Art specifically to declare its Desperation effect. Ignore the normal Momentum cost to activate a Desperation Art when there is no Momentum in the pool. 

Readiness requires a certain number of Momentum be available to use. Each Readiness ability specifies the minimum number of Momentum necessary to activate it. Like Desperation, that number must be met at the time the Art is declared. Spending Momentum to use an Art’s effect does not cancel a Readiness ability if it would reduce the pool below the minimum requirement.

The Art of Motion (Harrier)

A character with the harrier Profession Path learns The Art of Motion and unlocks Rogue’s Guile automatically. Motion Arts utilize Athletics, Enigmas, and Larceny. Attacks boosted by the Art of Motion may use any of these Abilities in place of Close Combat, Esoterica, or Ranged Combat. The Art of Motion allows a harrier to make magical attacks with a close combat weapon rather than a focus.

Rogue’s Guile 

Prerequisites: Harrier Profession Path

Brick waits patiently as Cassandra brings the Void tainted creature into position. She strikes it, and Brick jumps in to take advantage of the opening she creates. 

Whenever your character attacks an enemy that has previously been attacked by an ally and is in the same range band as her and an allied character, treat all Tricks as requiring one fewer hit, to a minimum of 1. 

Readiness: If there are half the maximum or more Momentum in the pool and the attack is successful, apply an appropriate combat status effect relevant to your character’s Keystone. 

Backup Plan

Prerequisites: Enigmas or Larceny 3, Echelon 2

When things started to go south, Caspian spoke up. Their friends eagerly followed the harrier’s clever plan, deftly avoiding the danger ahead. 

Once per session, after seeing the result of any failed non-combat action — including its narrative consequences — you may pause the scene and spend a Momentum. After spending the Momentum, briefly discuss how this could have succeeded because of your character’s backup plan, and then continue with play as if the action had succeeded in the way you agreed upon. 

Clever Rogue’s Rush

Prerequisites: Athletics 2

Muriel dashed across the battlefield in a blur. No one even saw her knife plunge into the guard before he was down. 

Whenever your character runs or rushes, spend a Momentum. He may cross one range band further. For example, he may run from Close to Long range. If he is attacked before the end of the round in which he used this Art, he may use the Dive to Cover defense Trick as though it had a cost of 0. 

Readiness: If there is half the maximum or more Momentum in the pool, ignore any area effects during this movement. 

Discerning Scoundrel’s Sense

Prerequisites: Enigmas or Larceny 2

Hoffrun eyed the woman standing before him for no more than a second before concluding that she posed no threat to him or his allies. 

After using an action to observe a target or after successfully stealing something from a target’s person, you may ask the Storyguide to reveal one of the following: 
  • Criminal history or recent criminal activities the target may have done. 
  • The origin and value of any one item or weapon on their person, including if it is magical or not. 
  • The number of dice and actions in the target’s Primary pool. 

Readiness: If there are three or more Momentum in the pool, reveal one other piece of information. 

Parabolic Step

Prerequisites: Athletics 3

Unbound from the tyranny of the earth, Caspian leaps into the air and away from his pursuers leaving them baffled in his dust. 

Once per turn, in place of moving, you may spend one Momentum and instead have your character jump one range band vertically or leap two range bands horizontally. This bypasses any obstacles or area effects that could be cleared by jumping, rather than moving through them. 

Desperation: The character may make a reflexive attack against an enemy in the range band where he lands. 

Undeterred by Obstructions

Prerequisites: Enigmas or Larceny 4

Willow doesn’t allow something as mundane as doors or windows to stop her from getting to her prize. 

Once per scene you may use this Art to declare that your character has bypassed a locked, sealed, obstructed or otherwise unopenable portal such as a door, vault, or window. She may exit the area she accessed using this Art, but may not re-enter it during the same scene and may not take other characters with her. 

The Art of Control (Mage)

A character with the mage Profession Path learns The Art of Control and unlocks Arcane Mastery automatically. Control Arts utilize Esoterica, Science, and Technology. Attacks boosted by the Art of Control may use any of these Abilities in place of Close Combat, Esoterica, or Ranged Combat. 

Arcane Mastery

Prerequisite: Mage Profession Path 

Lucien set down the tome and heaved a sigh. His head throbbed, but he knew the study had paid off; his spells would be so much stronger now.  

When you unlock this Art, choose one of the following benefits to permanently benefit your character’s Spells. You may purchase this a second time. Each entry may only be purchased once. 
  • Gain +1 Enhancement that stacks to rolled actions (such as attacks) supplemented by Spells in the character’s Keystone. 
  • Gain +1 Enhancement that stacks to resistance rolls to avoid or ignore the results of Spells that target your character. 
  • Spells that target allies may target one additional ally. 
  • Spells cast in the same scene in which an ally takes a rolled action refresh bond Enhancement with that ally. 

Mental Library

Prerequisite: Esoterica 2 

Ophelia had spent hours and hours poring over books and scrolls. Her mind was filled to the brim with facts — useful and otherwise. 

Whenever an action regarding knowledge of some variety would arise and does not use Esoterica, you may instead substitute your character’s dots of Esoterica for the requisite Skill. The Storyguide should provide you with an answer through the lens of her vast breadth of knowledge, rather than the context of the specific Skill. 

Desperation: Add an Enhancement that stacks to this roll. 

Readiness: If there are three or more Momentum in the pool, reduce the cost of associated Tricks for this action by 1 to a minimum of 1. 

Alchemic Alteration

Prerequisites: Esoterica or Science 5, Echelon 2 

Lucien closed his hand around Cassandra’s bleeding wound. He chanted the incantation and the wound closed, transformed from blood and tissue to magical power, leaving his friend with only a sense of euphoria. 

Once per round, your character may end a negative status effect by transmuting it into a positive one. This applies once per scene outside of combat. Once per session, she may similiarly end an area effect by transmuting it into another of your choice. 

Desperation: If the transformed status effect did not become the Inspired status effect, gain it in addition. If it was, increase the Enhancement bonus from Inspired by 1. 

Readiness: If there are four or more Momentum in the pool and the area effect suppressed was Moderate or Major, your character or one ally within Close range of her may heal one injury. 

Enchant Item

Prerequisites: Science or Technology 3 

Terra waved their hand over the broken compass and imbued it with just a touch of her magic. The cracked glass mended, and the inert needle spun once again, but rather than point due north, it instead tilted directly toward the enemy stronghold. 

At the start of a scene or the first time your character takes an action in a scene, including combat, she may declare that she has transformed a mundane non-weapon object into something magical. This may also transform a mundane weapon into a magical one for the purpose of breaking or mending it. For example, a can on a string may become a long-distance communication device, or an ordinary torch may be enchanted to become waterproof, or a bucket of water declared to never run dry. This enchantment lasts until the end of the scene, at which point the item returns to normal. 

Mage Sense

Prerequisites: Esoterica or Science 2

Terra turned the strange orb over and over in their hands. Its smooth surface yielded no further information, but it was nothing they couldn’t discern with enough study. 

After studying an object or character in an investigation scene or after successfully defending against an attack in combat the first time an opponent attacks your character, you may ask the Storyguide to reveal one of the following: 
  • What magical property or origin does the character or object possess?  
  • Any one Block the target has access to. 
  • Any one magical weakness (such as vulnerability to fire damage) the target has.  

Readiness: If the pool contains three or more Momentum, reveal one additional piece of information. 


Prerequisite: Esoterica or Science 4, Echelon 2

With a flourishing gesture, Ophelia opened a hole in the world limned with pale blue light. Gareth Falconer tumbled through the portal to get closer to his prize. 

Once per session or once per fight, your character places a portal in one location within her range band or within the immediate area. The portal opens to another location within Long range in combat or another location she is familiar with or have previously been otherwise. This portal stays open for the rest of the scene. Characters may move through it using a movement action as normal. 

Desperation: Characters who pass through the portal gain one status effect appropriate to your character’s Keystone. Allies always gain a positive status effect. Enemies gain your choice of either negative or beneficial status effects. 

Readiness: If there are half the maximum or more Momentum in the pool, when an enemy moves through the portal, you may place them anywhere within medium range of the portal’s location.

OK, here are two more quick peeks....

Advanced Arts

Characters progress into Advanced Profession Paths, which unlock access to Advanced Arts. Advanced Arts function the same as basic Arts. 

The Sagacious Art (Sage)

Sages require the diviner Profession Path, Empathy 4 and Medicine or Persuasion 3. Characters taking this Advanced Art unlock Unleashed God-Rays automatically. 

Unleashed God-Rays

Prerequisite: Sage Profession Path, Restore the Soul, Echelon 2

Holding aloft her hand, Aphbet focused the power of her soul and used it to sear straight through the undead warriors in her path. 

Make an attack against a creature within Medium range and spend one Momentum. The target must be a daemon, undead, or some other creature of supernatural origin. This attack ignores any Immunity or Invulnerability Qualities the target may have as well as any armor. The target gains the unique Weakened status effect. You may not use this attack again against a target who is already Weakened.

The target has been enervated by holy magic. They lose any Enhancement to attacks made against the Sage who applied this status effect. Additionally, their defense is decreased by 1 against attacks made by the Sage. 

Resolution: The target deals damage to the Sage who inflicted the condition, or another character within Close range of the Sage.        

The Tactical Art (Tactician)  

Tactians require the warlord Profession Path, Close Combat 4 and Leadership or Pilot 3. Characters taking this Advanced Art unlock Inspiring Presence automatically. 

Inspiring Presence

Prerequisite: Tactician Profession Path, Tactician’s Guiding Strike, Echelon 2

Nuna walked onto the battlefield and her allies cheered. Her presence was all it took to bend them doubly to their task.

Spend 1 Momentum. All allies within Close range of your character gain double-9s to attack and defense actions so long as they remain within range. 

Desperation: Extend the range to Short. 

As mentioned, backers will have access to the full draft version of Chapter 6 on Tuesday. In fact, all backers will have access to the complete current draft of the book before the campaign ends - before any pledges are processed or payments collected! So please continue to invite your friends and friendly gamers to join in on our campaign and you could literally start playing by June!

On Tuesday we'll get the full chapter, but who wants to wait until then to learn a bit more about Magic? We'll have another sneak peek on Sunday, this time covering the Pillars of Magic.

The Pillars of Magic

Magic instills fear in the hearts of the meek and wonder in the souls of the bold. As present as it is throughout Gaia, even the most prestigious magic user keeps in mind how dangerous magic can be. As a caster’s skill with magic strengthens, so does their capacity for hubris and great harm. How long before an archmage decides that the swiftest way of finding and punishing a skulking killer is to burn down the city in which he hides with a magic-born inferno? How quickly might a sorcerer lose sight of who she is or was, due to the many augmentations she’s made to her appearance, persona, and psyche?

Magic is therefore studied with care by those who seek to use it responsibly and not lose themselves to its powerful allure. Magisters of old defined magic as emerging from four Pillars — though some occultists claim there are more forbidden Pillars hidden from the sight of who they call “fumbling practitioners” — and those four Pillars have remained the established norm throughout the kingdoms of Gaia.

The Pillar of Anima is a measure of a caster’s connection to her own Soul and that of others. From this connection comes the physical manifestation of health, vitality, protection, purification, and conversely, rot, decay, and the entropy that brings all things to ruin.

The Pillar of Cognition concerns itself with the minds of the inhabitants of Gaia. From the smallest animal to the largest dragon, Cognition soothes, provokes, tricks, and empowers others.

The Pillar of Elementalism represents a caster’s connection to the world around her and to Gaia. It is the most external of all magic, allowing the caster to manipulate the things around her.

The Pillar of Transformation and empowers the caster to manipulate magic itself. While other Pillars connect to the mind, body, and Soul of others, or even the elements, Transformationists connect to the underlying magic residing in all things, and enact change at a fundamental level. 

So, which Pillar of Magic should we peek at on Sunday? Let's cast our votes! The top answer will be the subject of our next sneak peek!

53 votes • Final results
Five different soft enamel 2" pin designs will be available as an Add On option at $14 each or the set of all 5 for $60
Goal: 900 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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