James Bell
10 months ago

Project Update: Let's get some more Stretch Goals!

Hello Outlanders!

Great news! As we finish up with our first week, we've unlocked our 4th Stretch Goal of the project so far! This one is a bit of a milestone marker, a regular Onyx Path bonus reward added to the rewards list of all backers supporting this project!

ACHIEVED! - At $43,000 in Funding - AT THE GATES Digital Wallpaper - Awesome At The Gates artwork will be used to create a wallpaper for your computer desktop. This digital wallpaper will be added to the rewards list of all backers supporting this project.

These milestone markers are fun little Stretch Goals that help us keep pace between some of the bigger goals that add new content and projects. It's always fun to grow our reward lists with these bonuses, and it's a fun way to break up the funding targets into manageable pieces as we work towards the next big goal.

For those who've been around a few rodeos, you'll know that projects tend to have big starts and big finishes and are usually a lot quieter during the middle stretch. As we head into our second week of this 30-day campaign, it's important to use these milestone markers to maintain our momentum and provide celebrations and encouragement for new backers to join in.

So, now that we've unlocked all of our posted goals, let's see if we can plan out a trio of targets to carry us through these middle weeks and into our homestretch!

As we increase the overall funding and support for the project, we’re able to add additional resources to the project, expand the rewards listed, and add in new offers and opportunities. Each Stretch Goal will have a target that, once reached, will add a project to the reward list for backers of the relevant Stretch Goal path. Whenever we achieve a stretch goal, the image will be updated to reflect the achievement.

At $46,000 in Funding – AT THE GATES SHIRT ON REDBUBBLE – An At The Gates-themed Backer shirt will be hosted on Onyx Path’s Redbubble store for a limited time. Only backers will be notified when the shirt becomes available for purchase.

At $48,000 in Funding – AT THE GATES VTT TOKEN PACK – Digital assets will be created to support online play for At The Gates, including key character and creature tokens from the book. This online asset pack will be added to the rewards list of all backers.

At $50,000 in Funding - AT THE GATES Companion - New Advanced Paths - The Companion PDF will be expanded to include a section with new Advanced Profession Paths for characters to take if they want to unlock new Arts specific to their mastery of these professions. Backers receiving the At The Gates PDF as one of their rewards will automatically have the Companion PDF added to their rewards list as a bonus.

We haven't yet delved into the idea of Advanced Profession Paths yet - that'll come tomorrow when the second Backer manuscript section is posted - but we're already talking about adding more! In the next draft manuscript section, we'll learn about the Archmage, the Assassin, the Champion, the Sage, and the Tactician... but I'm pretty sure Danielle and the team has many more ideas for additional Advanced Paths for dedicated characters to pursue!

And if we manage to unlock another three Stretch Goals, the Companion PDF will be expanded to include these additional player options!

As I noted, I expect things to slow down a bit over the next few weeks, so it may be a bit before we close in on these targets, but they are absolutely within reach as long as we continue to spread the word and invite new backers to join in! So let's continue to talk about At The Gates for the next three weeks!

And I'll make it easier to keep talking about the game tomorrow when the next draft manuscript section is made available to backers. All backers of this project will have access to the entire current manuscript for the book before any pledges are processed or payments collected. If you're curious about the game, you can pick a pledge level and read the entire book before the end, and you'll know for sure if this game is for you. 

So, let's keep up the good work and I'll be back tomorrow with more At The Gates goodness!


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