I've got another sneak peek for you today! Backers will have access to the current draft version of Chapter 3 and 4 on Tuesday, but let's get a quick look at a few bits dealing with two important choices you make when creating your new character.
A character is how a player engages with a game of At the Gates. Players create characters to act as avatars within the game world. The player makes decisions for the character and uses them to experience the rich environment available in the game. Characters go on thrilling adventures, engage in political intrigue, spy on enemies, fight monsters, foment uprisings, engage in piracy, and so much more at the hands of the players controlling them.
When you create a character for At the Gates you imbue it with a sense of history, a motivation to act, social dynamics to explore, and the skills and abilities necessary to get on in the world. Who are you? How did your upbringing shape you? How has where you've grown up influenced the person you've become? Who do you want society to see you as? How are you connected to the people around you? These questions are at the core of creating a character for At the Gates.
At the Gates is a game about epic fantasy that comes from humble beginnings. Consider what kind of person you want to portray, and how they’ll react to danger, political intrigue, mystery, magical wonders, and the variety of adventures you might play through in this game. chapter 4 will guide you through creating a character and get you started on your journey.
The first steps in making a character for At the Gates include selecting three Paths.
The first Path you choose is your Heritage. This determines what nation your character comes from — if any — and what kind of advantages that conveys to them. When you pick your Heritage Path, you will choose one of two perks, which represent the kind of focus your character’s family had in that society. This will grant them Attributes and Skills based on the traditional training and education someone from that nation and background is likely to have.
Let's look at our top two vote getters in our poll: The Federation of Eves and Vitrumaria.
With salt and wind in your hair, you're happiest on the open seas or at home on one of the islands of the Federation of Eves. A robust maritime culture and sense of community unite your people. You grew up living a life of hard work and playing on and in the tides. The Elders claim magic from the Well of Creation has suffused all your people, but you're not so sure. Your early years were dominated by the oppression of an occupation force. You either grew up during a war to win your nation’s independence or fought in it yourself. You might have been raised in oppressive or hard times, but now you are ready to make your mark on the world and show it what Evesians are made of.
Perk: Magic Touched
Proximity to the Well of Creation has influenced how you see the world. You watch the ebb and flow of the currents pulsing with Gaia’s lifeforce. This insight has also allowed you to understand the people around you better.
Insight: You have an intrinsic understanding of how people feel. Whether you are experiencing their emotions yourself or seeing the color of their aura, you understand people. This understanding grants you +1 Enhancement that stacks during social interactions in which you’ve spent more than a few moments with a person.
Second Keystone: Magic has taken root in you in a way you're still trying to understand. Where other people have only one Keystone, you can have a second one outside your Profession's offered Pillar.
Perk: Saltborn
Life on an island has centered your culture's dependence on the ocean’s bounty. You grew up on or around ships, and probably learned to sail at a very early age. Every island is different, but you're used to living in a close-knit community where everyone works together to succeed and provide for their families.
Attributes: Mental 1, Physical 1, Social 2 Skills: Athletics, Culture, Larceny, Pilot
Freedom of Navigation: You understand the currents and the position of the stars to navigate without the guidance of tools or a map. You always know which way you are facing and never suffer penalties or Complications to navigate. Gain a +1 Enhancement that stacks to navigate or reorient yourself when using your instincts.
Sea Legs: Your constant time at sea has given you the ability to keep your footing in even the most tumultuous circumstances. Downgrade any Complications from Area effects that would affect your movement by one step. If this would reduce that Complication to 0, the character just ignores it.
You grew up in the blazing sun and dry desert sands of Vitrumaria. Your culture prizes self-reliance, which has made you independent and motivated. You’re used to the lavish lifestyle of a wealthy nation juxtaposed against the harsh unforgiving desert environment. You know that community is what keeps people safe, and striking out on your own can lead to disaster if you aren’t properly prepared. This has made you careful, and not a little jaded when it comes to others. It doesn’t help that your beautiful nation is led by a despot and a liar who has dragged your people into a grueling war. Now, you don’t know what to believe as you are inundated daily with lies, but you know that your very way of life is in danger, and it isn’t from those on the outside.
Perk: Sandborn
Outsiders are both an opportunity and a threat to your community. You've learned to present a friendly demeanor when interacting with others to keep collaboration alive, even when you distrust your temporary partners. Life under the desert sun has made you resilient and proficient at surviving when resources are low.
False Smile: You've learned to say a lot without revealing anything to lull others into a false sense of security. When you make an influence action to lie to someone gain access to the following Trick:
Pry (1 hit): Your lie is so convincing that your target shares a secret they wouldn’t normally share with you.
Durable: The extreme heat of your home has made you more resistant to extreme temperatures. You may ignore the effects of the Extreme Temperature (heat) Area effect if you are prepared, and if this effect is magically created, you downgrade the Complication to Minor.
Perk: Revolutionary
You’ve grown increasingly disenfranchised by your nation’s leadership. Maybe you were radicalized young and have grown up always knowing the government was corrupt, or something recent happened to radicalize you. Now, you hone all your energy into setting wrongs to right.
Rallying Cry: You’ve learned how to motivate others with just your words. When take influence actions to sway a crowd or persuade people to join your cause, gain +2 Enhancement.
Tough as Nails: You have an exceptional ability to anticipate danger and act swiftly, as well as a knack for evading threats and maneuvering through tricky situations. You gain a +1 Enhancement that stacks to Initiative rolls or Defense actions (chosen when you take this Perk).
Next Step: Select your Upbringing.
Your Upbringing Path describes how your character was trained and educated based on her economic status, her family’s traditional vocation, or even her own special interests. Instead of representing the things she learned based on where she’s from, this represents the major factors in her young life that shaped her knowledge and core skills.
Your family always taught you to seek out opportunities and take them where you can. Through cutthroat business, backroom dealing, and not a little luck, they’ve come into wealth. Raised during your family’s rise to power, their vision of the world is instilled upon you. You know how to work the system, manage people, and leverage all your resources to get ahead in the world.
Attributes: Mental 2, Social 2 Skills: Larceny, Leadership, and Persuasion
Leverage: You know how to read people and what to say to put them off guard. When intimidating someone, you can insinuate that you have some information on them that puts them in a compromising position, even if you are lying about the knowledge. Later, when either you or they act on that leverage, gain a +2 Enhancement that stacks to the action.
Resolute: Working in tense social situations has granted you a level of resolve to maintain your composure despite yourself. When people try to persuade you or change your mind about something, gain +1 Enhancement that stacks to your Integrity action.
Your family has known wealth for several generations. You grew up with the luxury to pursue your own interests, but you’ve always known that your family expected you to follow in their footsteps. You’ve always worked under the burden of responsibility, and it has taught you both how to effectively get work out of others and shirk your own duties without notice.
Attributes: Mental 1, Physical 1, Social 2 Skills: Culture, Leadership, and Persuasion
Efficient: You know how to get things done with minimal effort. Once per session, you may forgo rolling for an action to immediately succeed on it. If there are any Complications, you must suffer the effects, though you may spend Momentum for Enhancement as per normal to buy them off.
Commanding Presence: You radiate an aura of authority, confidence, and leadership. Your mere presence demands attention and respect from those around you, enabling you to inspire and influence others with ease. When other people act on your orders, they gain a +1 Enhancement to follow through.
We'll learn about all of the Heritage and Upbringing options on Tuesday, along with the important third Path of your Profession! And we'll learn how to assign your dots and finishing designing your characters, and also about new stuff like Advanced Professions!!
So, let's continue to spread the word and invite our friends and friendly gamers to join in on this campaign! We've come a long way so far in this first week, but we still have many weeks ahead -- and much more of the manuscript to share!
Our next update on Tuesday will feature the current drafts of chapters 3 and 4. Backers will have access to the complete manuscript before we reach the end - before any pledges are processed or payments collected. It's about the most risk-free way of learning about the game as exists. So join in if you haven't, and let's see if we can't unlock some more Stretch Goals before we get to the final chapter!