Next Level Miniatures
7 months ago

Project Update: Project Update #10 - Fulfillment is at hand!

Hello everyone! We hope this update finds you happy and healthy. We've just returned from GenCon and we are getting the final things prepped to start fulfillment of Dragon's Hoard Remastered!

First order of business is to give everyone notice that you have 24 hours to make any shipping address changes before packages start going out. So if you've moved since you originally completed your pledge please contact us ASAP at [email protected] to get your address updated.

If your pledge goes to an old address we may not be able to recover it and you will have to pay for a new pledge and shipping to receive your rewards. If we are able to recover it, we will have to collect any costs associated with doing so and a new shipping fee before we can re-ship it. We don't want this to happen to anyone so again, please update us without delay if you need to.

Next, we want to make sure everyone understands how we handle fulfillment. We handle our own fulfillment in-house. We don't use any third-parties. As such, it can take us up to a few weeks to get everyone's pledge shipped. So if you don't see your shipping notification email right away over the next few days, just hold tight and know we're working on it.

Speaking of shipping notifications, please be sure to whitelist emails from so your shipping notification does not get sent to spam.

Since we've been asked about it before, please note that we don't ship out packages by backer number order, we ship out based on our own internal system that helps allow us to get everyone fulfilled the most efficiently and quickly. We also don't prioritize shipments based on country, which means whether you're in the USA, UK, Australia, or anywhere else, it has no bearing on what order your pledge ships.

Hopefully that helps make sure we're all on the same page so there's no confusion for what to expect as we begin the fulfillment of the project. If you have any questions about fulfillment we didn't cover above, please email us at [email protected] or comment below.

Thanks again everyone!
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