Next Level Miniatures
4 months ago

Project Update: Update 1: Thank You and Answers to Your Questions!

Hello everyone, we're here to say THANK YOU to everyone who has already pledge support for the project, or who is following and keeping an eye on the campaign. We're happy to have you on board for Dragon's Hoard Remastered!

We wanted to post an update to cover some of the questions we've received so far in the Community comments area so that we can give those questions and answers more visibility.

1. I've backed previous campaigns, how can I tell what models have been updated?

Answer: The Size Chart & Remaster Guide linked on the campaign page has a full rundown of all of the models, what project they were originally a part of, what changes have been made since then and what size base the miniature comes with.

2. If I pledge at the Access the Pledge Manager level, will I have the ability to upgrade and purchase an All-In Pledge later on in the pledge manager?

Answer: Yes, all of the pledges, add-ons, and every individual miniature in the campaign will be available for purchase a la carte in the pledge manager. But you'll want to make sure you pledge now at the Access the Pledge Manager level to lock in the campaign pricing, because prices will be higher for late backers who come in after the campaign is over.

3. Will there be a pledge level for just newly remastered items?

Answer: Unfortunately there was no way to structure the campaign pledge options in a way that was balanced and also not confusing for newcomers to Next Level Miniatures. We may offer a pledge option or bundle in the pledge manager more specifically designed for our longtime backers, but that is TBD at the moment.

4. Will you be remastering other models from Dragon's Hoard Vol. 1 that have not been previously remastered or are newly remastered in this new campaign?

Answer: We have no plans to remaster any of our other earlier models at this time. Dragon's Hoard Remastered is our final "hurrah" in that respect and moving forward we'll be focusing exclusively on new models to our line.

If you have any questions not answered here or in the FAQ, please let us know here or in the Community comments area!

Thank you again to everyone for checking out Dragon's Hoard Remastered and for your support of NLM!





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