New Pain Productions
19 days ago

Project Update: Week Two begins with a new add-on!

New Painiacs!

Week Two of the campaign for Daybreak! The Complete Series has officially begun. Thanks to our initial wave of backers, we are currently 60% funded! There are SO many projects crowdfunding on a variety of platforms, thanks to those of you that have believed in this project so far.

To help the campaign reach its funding goal, we've listed a new ADD-ON today available to both new and existing backers. If you navigate to the Add-Ons section, at the very top you'll see a new tier: "HEY KIDS! COMICS! (SIGNED)"

Adding this tier will add a comic book signed by Keith Champagne to your Daybreak! package. From Green Lantern to JSA, X-Men to Spider-Man, Stranger Things to The Bionic Man, Champagne has produced thousands of comics for almost every publisher. We'll choose a copy at random from our supplies, throw Keith a sharpie and BOOM! Instant signed comic.

BUT WAIT! There's more! Although we can't guarantee this, whenever possible we will also have your comic signed by additional members of the various creative teams. For instance, Keith will be seeing Doug Mahnke at the end of the month and will politely force Doug to sign copies of books they've worked on together for you. Same goes for any other creators we're going to see between now and the time this campaign fulfills.

Thanks for your support and tell your friends! Together, we are mighty.

The New Pain Crew 





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