Latest from the Creator
Bronze Tier
This user contributed to this community!
61 votes
• Final results
Project Update: We did it!
YOU did it!
Thanks to your incredible support, enthusiasm, and energy, we were able to surpass the original funding goal and are creating a truly fabulous book for you. I can't thank you enough.
Thanks to your incredible support, enthusiasm, and energy, we were able to surpass the original funding goal and are creating a truly fabulous book for you. I can't thank you enough.
If this is your first time using Backerkit, the excitement is far from over. Over the next few days, I’ll be working behind the scenes to get the surveys ready for you to give me all your shipping information.
Since this campaign will be fulfilled in 2025, you won’t be charged for shipping until we get closer to the shipping date. For now, you'll only be charged for the items you pledged and any add-ons. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. Since the product is still in development, we don’t yet have the final weights needed for calculating shipping (and with the books still in production, there's plenty going on behind the scenes!).
I’ll keep you updated as we move forward... but today, let’s celebrate this victory!
Project Update: Last Chance!
As I write this, there are just about six(ish) more hours to reserve a copy of Legally Undead, complete with the original ending, gorgeous new internal formatting, and beautiful new covers!
(You can also get all those cool elements in ebook or paperback special editions!)
I’ll also be sending out extra bookish goodies, including oracle cards, bookmarks, stickers, and more.
And there are tons of vampiric options, so if you haven’t checked it out yet, head over take a look now!
Check Out Legally Undead, and I’ll see y’all on the other side of the campaign!
Have a great day, everyone, and as always, happy reading!
Have a great day, everyone, and as always, happy reading!