10 months ago

Project Update: Survey Update - Please Read Me!

Hello everyone!

We had an issue with item weights not getting properly set on the Proud To The Bone 2 pins - and so if you answered your survey before 4P ET/1P PT, you probably weren't charged the right postage amount. Some of you weren't charged at all, which obviously isn't tenable for us as a project. Likewise, the add-on price for the PTTB2 pins was off by a dollar bc I typo'd them. x.x

Thanks to the quick and lovely help I got from Lafia at BackerKit, this has been fixed & everyone who this affects should have gotten a message from her. Please check your survey and make sure you don't have funds owing for shipping so that we can get your rewards to you.

If you have not yet filled out your survey, you're good to go and should have no issues.

And lastly, thank you to the multiple backers who reached out to let us know about the shipping costs and item costs issues. I appreciate you very much!

Rumba and Cap appreciate you, too. 💗 Or they would, if they understood any of this at all.
Cap (left) and Rumba are hopeful that you have banana for them. :3
user avatar image for NerdyKeppie




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