N. T. Lazer
6 months ago

Project Update: The Homeseeker Sample Chapters Now Available!

Hello hello! 

There are now Sample Chapters!

You're wondering the important questions here. "Does this answer know how to write?" Or as some might say: "Is their 'they're' distinct from their 'there?'" 

Well, I know you can read the first two chapters for yourself, attached directly into my BackerKit campaign for all of you to see! You can read the first two chapters straight from the novel. And let me tell you, if you enjoy cliffhangers, then you're going to love these chapters.

These chapters have been professionally edited, but that doesn't mean I don't want to hear your thoughts. I'd love to hear what you think!

The Homeseeker cropped cover

Share where you can!

This project is going strong with $600 to it so far! But spreading the word in your own circles is massive, in terms of support. Second to direct backing, it's one of the strongest ways to get this project funded. Not that I wont be trying my best in the meantime!

Share this proect!

Thank you all so much for the support that's been given. It's my first time on BackerKit and I appreciate every single point of interaction or support. Genuinely, thank you. 

Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the sample chapters!
N.T. Lazer





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