over 1 year ago

Project Update: A bittersweet update

Hello all,

Firstly, I would like to thank every one of you who have shown support and helped me make these games a reality. From the wonderful volunteers who gave up their time to play test, those of you who have shared posts on social media to boost this campaign and those who have taken a leap of faith on a small business owner and backed.

The reality is this campaign is extremely unlikely to reach the funding goal. As these games are ready to be printed, I am hoping to print smaller batches to put for sale over the next few months. I anticipate releasing one game before the end of this year and hopefully getting the other two printed in small batches in the new year - depending on finances.

Small shout out for the competition I am running on my Instagram account to win some games. The final puzzle will go live Thursday 28th September and then I will set a deadline for entries in that post.

Here is the link to check it out -

Thanks again for your support,

Happy Puzzling!





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