
Join us for a game!

Your pledge will help found the Cypher Stream Creator Fund, provide a grant to the Cypher Unlimited crew, develop resources for streamers, and kick off new MCG content. And your early access will help shape the conversation and community engagement with The Anywhere Door. You also get a set of three striking vinyl stickers (one of them a holo!), plus a patch, all featuring beautiful designs for The Anywhere Door, MCG, and the CU.

And here's the best part: an invitation to Game Night with MCG! Each month throughout 2025, from January through Decempber, a few of us from MCG will get together with a few members of the community to play an RPG, streaming our session on The Anywhere Door. As a backer at this level, you'll be invited to take part in at least one of these games. See the main page for more details, and please read the information below before pledging.

This level includes:

  • An exclusive moonbeam Founders badge identifying you as one of the funders of The Anywhere Door
  • Early access, letting you enter The Anywhere Door several weeks ahead of the public opening
  • Your name on the Founder's Page, forever memorializing your role in making The Anywhere Door a reality
  • A set of three high-quality laptop stickers, and a beautiful patch
  • An invitation to Game Night with MCG. You'll have the opportunity to play in at least one session.

Because this level includes public activity with MCG folk in an official MCG space, we want to set particularly clear expectations. Here are some rules, and a quick FAQ:

The Rules

We don't foresee any issues from members of our wonderful community, but for the avoidance of doubt, here's what we expect of you. If violate these, we may remove you from your game. (And because we cannot predict every possibility, we reserve the right remove you for any other reason, at our sole discretion. Fortunately we don't imagine that will be likely.) By backing at this pledge level, you agree to these terms:

  • No profanity. Keep it PG-13, tops.
  • Don't be disruptive. Contribute to harmony at the (virtual) game table.
  • Don't harass any other player, or give any other player reason to regret being there with you.
  • Don't badmouth MCG or our games. Or anybody or any game, really.

Pledge Level FAQ

I want to play a game of Numenera run by Monte! Or We Are All Mad Here run by Shanna! How can I make sure I get into the game I want?

Each Game Night with MCG will be a casual hangout, playing a casual game, with a few members of the MCG team. If hanging out with us and playing a fun one-shot is appealing, we'd love to have you back at the Player pledge level. If you're looking to play alongside specific gaming celebrities—or even to play a specific game—this probably isn't for you.

So how do I know what I'm playing, with whom, and when?

Every month, a few weeks ahead of the next Game Night, we'll post a signup for all the backers at the Player pledge level. The signup may or may not specify the game, the GM, and the MCG players. Sign up if you're available. If there are more signups than slots (likely), we'll choose randomly among the people who signed up. You can sign up even if you've already played, but you'll only be chosen a second time if we don't have a full table with first-time players.

What if I don't get a chance to play?

Game Night with MCG runs monthly for a full year—so you'll have twelve chances. It will always be held the second Friday of each month, so you can hold the date well in advance if you need to. We'll always give slots to first-time players, so there will be enough for all backers at the Player pledge level.

What if I don't want to play in front of an audience?

The game will be streamed on The Anywhere Door, and it will likely be watched, and commented on, by other MCG fans. Please don't back at this level if you aren't comfortable with that context.

Images are mockups and are subject to change.



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