Charles Ryan
11 months ago

Project Update: The Weird Deck and Glimmering Sites Deck Are Ready For You!

Weird, huh? See below for more on Knights of Dust and Neon.

Hello, Weird backers—

Great news! We have begun fulfillment of two of your remaining rewards: the Weird Deck and the Glimmering Sites Deck. If these are among your rewards, check your email for redemption instructions.
Although they took some weird twists and turns making their way through the production and shipping process, both of these turned out spectacularly—we love them, and we think you will too!

That leaves us with just one more item: the minis. These have been in production for several weeks now, but it’s a slow process, so they won’t be complete for another month or so. They do look great, though!

Knights of Dust and Neon!

If you like weird stuff from the fertile minds of the MCG design team, you might want to check out the Knights of Dust and Neon crowdfunding campaign, featuring exciting new sourcebooks for the Cypher System and some fantastic deals for those new to the Cypher System. We’d love it if you joined us in this campaign!

We’ll have more news on the Weird minis—the final reward for this campaign—in our next update!

Thanks again for your support!
—Team MCG





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