The Cypher System Creature Deck 2, the last reward from this campaign, is here, ready and fulfilling now!
Cypher System Creature Deck 2 cards showing a Alchemoth creature and its stats and Cyborg stats
If this deck is among your rewards, please check the email account associated with your Backerkit pledge over the next week to make sure you’ve got a notification about your coupons.
Adventures in the Cypher System photos of books from the campaign
With the fulfilment of this item, it marks the completion of all rewards of the campaign. Along with this last deck, we have now fulfilled the following items:
Standard edition Cypher System Rulebook and previously published supplements
(Claim the Sky, Godforsaken, Stay Alive!, The Stars Are Fire, We Are All Mad Here)
Rust & Redemption Supplement (in print & PDF)
It’s Only Magic (in print & PDF)
Cypher System Bestiary (in print & PDF)
Adventures in the Cypher System (in print & PDF)
Deluxe Cypher System Rulebook (in print only)
Cypher System Starter Set
Promotional XP Deck
So What's Next from MCG?
New statements. New horrors. New lore. New resources for the GM. New options for the players. New adventures by The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims.
The Web weaves. Will you find yourself within its tangles?