about 2 months ago

Project Update: Please vote for freebie pin

Hello everyone!
Hope you all had a lovely weekend!!

I've attached a poll for a freebie enamel pin design for all backers with a physical item to be shipped, so please vote your top pick as soon as possible! The freebie enamel pin will be automatically unlocked for everyone!

In the mean time, I'll be working on some more collection sketches before I go on vacation on Thursday.... I know, I'm pushing it really close! If I don't make it in time, I'll bring my tablet with me to keep sketching during my down time. From reviewing everyone's suggestions in this project as well as my prior google form, I'll try sketching ideas for the following collections:

  • Crows/Ravens
  • Cat - Please let me know if you're cool with it being Desi my little witch cat 
  • Space
  • Mushroom/Forest
  • Reptile
  • Foxes (most likely arctic)

If you're suggestion is not on here, this isn't the last opportunity! Please comment below to get your suggestions considered again (I have a tally of everything), but please don't spam ;;. Thank you all for your patience!
201 votes





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