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Add-Ons Only$1
Emotional Support$5
Light Blue Jellinom$12
Pink Jellinom$12
Green Jellinom$12
Red Jellinom$12
Orange Jellinom$12
Light Purple Jellinom$12
Demon Skull Jellinom$12
HOLO Demon Skull Jellinom$12
Cat Skull Jellinom$12
Grape Jellinom$12
Slime Jellinom$12
Blue Jellinom$12
Crème Flan$12
Strawberry Flan$12
Peach Jellinom$12
Zombie Jellinom$12
1 Gacha Spin$10
3 Gacha Spins$27
5 Gacha Spins$45
10 Gacha Spins$75
All 7 Base Goal Jellies!$75
All 16 Unlocked Jellies!$160
Custom Jellinom - Private Design$225
Custom Jellinom - Gacha Design$200
Red Jellinom
When embarrassed, he gets mad. This is a problem when everything you do makes you cringe inside.
This tier is for if you'd like to individually choose the red jellinom for your pledge. There are also add-ons of the other colors available. This is formatted this way to keep the best track of stock chosen while the campaign is still running~☆
Shipping for every backer will be collected separately post-campaign, also via Backerkit!
*UK/EU orders must reach a pledge minimum for £135 or 150€ before shipping, respectively!
This tier is for if you'd like to individually choose the red jellinom for your pledge. There are also add-ons of the other colors available. This is formatted this way to keep the best track of stock chosen while the campaign is still running~☆
Shipping for every backer will be collected separately post-campaign, also via Backerkit!
*UK/EU orders must reach a pledge minimum for £135 or 150€ before shipping, respectively!
Red Jellinom
14 remaining
Red Jellinom
14 remaining