Name a server
Includes 3 items
×1Name a server
×1868-BACK digital download
×1Mirrorshades (cosmetic)
There are many servers: some of them belong to the megacorps, some of them to smaller entities - maybe one of them is yours!
The world generator, after assigning key servers, generates the rest randomly and chooses some names from a list. You can contribute a name to that list! People can (fictionally) hack your computer!
Names have a maximum of around 20 characters. The game is set in an alternate universe: there will be no explicit references to any real-world entity. I'll refuse anything that I find inappropriate (e.g. slurs) and give you one second chance (but please don't waste my time). If I need to adapt something to fit, I will.
(A copy of the game is included.)
The world generator, after assigning key servers, generates the rest randomly and chooses some names from a list. You can contribute a name to that list! People can (fictionally) hack your computer!
Names have a maximum of around 20 characters. The game is set in an alternate universe: there will be no explicit references to any real-world entity. I'll refuse anything that I find inappropriate (e.g. slurs) and give you one second chance (but please don't waste my time). If I need to adapt something to fit, I will.
(A copy of the game is included.)