Metal Ninja Studios
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Update on Dusk County Chronicles is Canceled

Hey there, Backers, and Happy New Year! We wanted to give you a quick update about where we are regarding Dusk County Chronicles is Canceled's fulfillment: 

  1. Credit Cards Charged: All credit cards have been charged. Thank you for your support and for making this project a reality! 
  2. Address Changes: You have 2 days to update your shipping address before they lock in. Please double-check your information to ensure your rewards are sent to the correct location. 
  3. Digital Downloads: Digital rewards have been sent out! Check your inbox for your copy and enjoy diving into the dangerous world of Dusk County. Please check your spam folder or contact us for assistance if you don't see it. 
  4. Physical Books at the Printer: The physical books are currently at the printer and are expected to be ready for pickup in the next couple of weeks. 
  5. Fulfillment Timeline: Once the books arrive, we'll bag 'em, board 'em, and get them sent out!

Thanks again for supporting the comic, and remember to check your inboxes for the digital copy! We'd love to know what you think, so hit us on the socials once you dive in! Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Best regards, The Metal Ninja Studios Team




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