Leia Barrett
4 months ago

Project Update: WOW! Thanks for making this such a great launch!

It's always stressful when you begin a crowdfunding campaign. You put everything out there and just hope people are paying attention. Well-- thank YOU for being the first to help bring this book to life!

In the coming weeks, I'll do my best to give you insider knowledge about how the book is going and new developments.

You should also know I purposely set a low goal so we could crush it early and hopefully get some stretch goals in. Stretch goals mean more swag and more exciting opportunities for early adopters like you, so any help spreading the word is appreciated!

If you'd like to share the campaign out, here's a free Canva template you can use! Here's an example of the template featuring Bones McCoy, one of the amazing doggos who will be in the book!

Thank you so, so much for your support, and have a PAWSitive day!


Leia B

user avatar image for Leia Barrett




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