Classroom Pack

  • ×10
    Signed Hardcover: The Odd Dog's Guide to Making Friends
  • ×1
    Signed Hardcover of The Odd Dog
  • ×1
    3" x 3" Sticker
  • ×1
    Odd Dog Bookmark
  • ×1
    Coloring Pages
Perfect for the teacher in your life, this pack includes:
  • Ten signed hardcover copies of The Odd Dog's Guide to Welcoming New Friends
  • A fantastic set of professionally created lesson plans from The Bright Cookie plus an exclusive discount for other resources in her shop
  • Surprise swag such as stickers and bookmarks, AND
  • A chance to win a virtual visit from me!

I'll even throw in an extra signed copy of The Odd Dog!

We'll package it up prettily and even give the teacher a gift card saying who sent it. To sweeten the deal, at the end of the campaign, I'll do a drawing for anyone who pledges at this level and the winner gets to choose a school who will receive a virtual visit from me!

*Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager. 

Classroom Pack


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