MCDM Productions
6 months ago

Project Update: Backer Playtest Survey

Hey Folks!

It’s James, the Lead Game Designer of Draw Steel. I wanted to thank you all so much for supporting our RPG. I know many of you have read the rules and ran some games using the latest playtest packet! It’s been awesome seeing the chatter discussed on Discord and the Draw Steel subreddit. Now we have the BEST way to give us feedback, this survey:

You have until Monday September 30th at 8AM Pacific US time to get this survey back to us! Please only fill out the survey once.

This survey is the best way to get us your feedback on the packet. It's a long survey, but very few of the questions are required, and most are simply rating your satisfaction with the game on a scale of 1 to 5. If that's all you do, the survey should only take about 20 minutes, and that's if you don't skip any sections. You don't need to fill out the open-ended questions or leave comments, but they're there in case you want to elaborate on your ratings. Even just providing the rating is SUPER helpful, so thank you!

If you played the game with folks who didn't back the campaign on Backerkit or aren't current MCDM Patreon members, please feel free to send them a link to this survey so we can also get their feedback.

Note that the comments sections have character limits to help us make our way through the feedback. To help make your comments shorter, you don’t need to give us suggestions of what to fix, just tell us what you don’t like, and we can take it from there! (If you tell us the fixes, odds are it’s something we already tried, so giving us the problem and letting us find the solution yields the best feedback.)

Also, don't worry about typos and grammatical mistakes or the leaves-much-to-be-desired layout in the packet. You don't need to report those to us. There is much editing to come!

Thank you all so much for taking the time to play the game and give us your feedback. It’s going to help us make a much better RPG for you all to enjoy.

Keep On Rolling,
user avatar image for MCDM Productions





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