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The MCDM RPG: Draw Steel

user avatar image for MCDM Productions

Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.

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MCDM Productions
3 months ago
Backer Packet #2 Playtest Survey
Hey Backers! James here! Thanks to all of you for supporting Draw Steel.  I wanted to give you a chance to fill out a survey to give us your feedback on the latest playtest ...
MCDM Productions
3 months ago
Draw Steel - Backer Packet #2
Hey folks! Want to play some Draw Steel?! Click Here to Download Backer Packet 2 Thanks to your patience and support, we are happy to present to you…a huge chunk of the f...
MCDM Productions
6 months ago
Backer Playtest Survey
Hey Folks! It’s James, the Lead Game Designer of Draw Steel. I wanted to thank you all so much for supporting our RPG. I know many of you have read the rules and ran some ...
Jerod Bennett
7 months ago
Both Packets have the same download
We appear to have some confusion about the downloads. Let me do my best to clear it up. We wanted to make sure every backer got access to the backer packet. Unfortunately, Backerkit only allows us to send a file to a person who has a particular reward. Some of our backers on...
MCDM Productions
7 months ago
The Draw Steel Backer Packet is here
Hey folks! Welcome to…DRAW STEEL! All backers should already have received an email with a link to the first Backer Packet! (Or you can just click here) It includes ever...
MCDM Productions
9 months ago
The MCDM RPG - Backer Packet Timeline
Hey folks! We are very close to having something for you all to try out. We just sent the latest playtest packet to our contract and volunteer testers, and they’ve already st...
Everyone at MCDM has made games before, but always for someone else. We’ve made new games for someone else’s company, and our own supplements for someone else’s game. We spent the last five years making supplements for D&D. Strongholds & Followers, Kingdoms & Warfare, The Illrigger, The Beastheart, ARCADIA

We recently released Flee, Mortals!, Where Evil Lives, and The Talent & Psionics to great acclaim. We think every product we’ve put out is better than the last one. 

Now it’s time to make our own game, for ourselves. For you. For your group, for your table. A game that takes everything we’ve learned from decades of design experience and puts it into one package. A game that’s not annoying to work on or tedious to play. A game that’s just more fun.

The MCDM RPG (name still TBD) is a game about heroes, heroes who stop the villains, save the villagers, rescue beautiful dragons from ravening princesses. MCDM RPG heroes worry about monstrous villainy and perfidious treachery, not spell slots or armor class. 

All the things you expect to do in a Heroic Fantasy RPG, you can do in our game. Better, we think, than the game you’re currently playing. We want battles that get more epic as they go, not more tedious. 

Your character doesn’t just swing their sword. Monsters aren’t just bags of hit points. You do cool shit, the monsters do cool shit. We’ve been testing this game for months now, and it’s already working. It’s already fun.

Combat is dynamic, full of movement as heroes and monsters get battered and tossed around. Not just two sides charging at each other and hacking away until one side runs out of resources.

It's not all combat, either! With robust rules for negotiation, crafting, and research, your heroes have lots to do and options for dealing with obstacles beyond simply punching them in the face until they go away. 

If this sounds good to you, if you like our work and want to see what’s next, you can back the campaign, follow the in-depth Dev updates on Patreon at, and spread the word to your friends by sharing this campaign on social media or by word of mouth.