Manda Shafer
3 months ago

Project Update: Update on the Journey

Hi all-
I've officially gotten notice that the shipment has cleared customs and the train has arrived in Cleveland. Now we are just waiting for it to get on a truck so that it can be shipped to our distribution point. Once it arrives, we can start shipping to backers. It should be less than a couple weeks now.

Just a quick word on how the survey and charging for shipping worked. You filled out the survey a few weeks ago and entered your credit card info (if you had to pay for shipping). However, your credit cards were not charged yet. Backerkit recommends waiting until you're about 30 days out from shipping before charging.  So I will be charging the credit cards and last of the orders today. If you paid for shipping, your credit card will be charged now for those costs. 

I am still working on getting a date for a local pick up. Since it's going to be so close to Thanksgiving, I need to be a little flexible. Also, without a confirmed delivery date, I don't' want to set something for a release party that might have to get rescheduled again. Once its on the truck and I have an estimated arrival date, I'll feel more secure setting that up. 
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