Hi everyone! Just a quick update to let you all know that we have started to lock orders today! With the books expected to arrive in the next few weeks, we want to get ready for fulfillment, and the first step is locking your orders...
You should receive an email from Backerkit today giving you 48 hours to confirm the information in your survey is correct. That includes your pledge selection, any add-on items, and payment information. Please check your address, too, although you will be able to make changes to that entry until we're ready to start shipping. (We will post an update when we're ready to lock addresses.)
There are still a few of you who have not completed your survey. PLEASE DO SO NOW! If you need help getting into your pledge manager, you can log in here with your Backerkit-associated email address: https://lost-letters-my-dear-pierrot-by-jim-bishop.backerkit.com/
Let us know if you still need help.
Once those 48 hours are up, Backerkit will automatically lock your orders and we will begin collecting any funds due on Friday. Please also make sure your payment information is correct. 😊
We expect to have everything to start shipping in October! Jim sent us the original sketches, and they look great!
We also received a mockup of the coin from the manufacturer, and those are also looking nice 😊
We'll post more info as it comes in! In the meantime, watch your inbox for that order-locking notification!