Hi magical people !
• Thank you so much for all the support and answers we already got : we are now at 88% of completed surveys so we are able to lock the orders and order th...
21 days ago
🚨Quick update on the surveys concerns & thank you for the new unlocked designs ! 🎊
Hi everyone !
Just popping a quick update now we are back from work to answer some concerns coming out about the surveys so everyone can see it and hopefully it will be help...
23 days ago
📨 Smoke test sent : surveys are coming & PREORDER STORE OPEN !
Hi magical people !
• This was fast, we already have the green light to send the surveys and open the PREORDER STORE as well !
• If you receive your survey today please let...
24 days ago
⚡Quick update : Waiting on Backerkit approval to send the surveys !
Hi magical people !
Quick update to let you know we have now sent the surveys to be approved by backerkit team, once they confim we will be able to send them in 2 waves. Fir...
about 1 month ago
Necromancer Reveal & Updates ⚡
Hi magical people !
• Hope everyone is going well... Thank you for your patience and trust while we were finishing the pledge manager surveys/preorder store, backerkit advice...
about 1 month ago
Hi magical people !
• We did it thank you so much ! Time to celebrate now : https://youtu.be/3raFUCaqJ_I?t=215 🎊
• The last 48hrs were the more stressing with the ups and d...
Thank you so much for all the support and answers we already got : we are now at 88% of completed surveys so we are able to lock the orders and order the necessary quantity. 🥰
Note : We already sent all the artworks to the factory and waiting for approval or if we have to modify some details for which we will inform you as we always do so don't worries. In general they are tiny details, lines or else not affecting the general design.
We have unlocked all of these following designs 🤩 :
🚨 Unfortunately we didn't unlock the silver variants of the mini stars so we will leave them for these last 48hrs but if we don't make it Backerkit ask us to cancel it before the orders are definitely locked so it will be erased from your survey and you won't be charged for it.
📨 You will receive the last call today to update your survey before your survey will be locked. There is still 13 failed payments from the campaign so if you still want the pins this is the moment to check it out ! 🤗
Just popping a quick update now we are back from work to answer some concerns coming out about the surveys so everyone can see it and hopefully it will be helpful ! 🙏 But first of all we wanted to thank you all for the quick answers, we have already 64% completed surveys and we unlocked 4 of the new 5 surprises this is so awesome ! 🤩 We are so relieved you like them 🥺!
Quick update to let you know we have now sent the surveys to be approved by backerkit team, once they confim we will be able to send them in 2 waves. First we have to send the "smoke test" survey so few of you from different tiers will receive it and if everything is smooth (no errors hopefully!) we will be able to send the rest of the surveys !
Sorry for the delay, we were finishing to check everything this past weekend thank you so much for your patience 🥰
Here is a little sneak peek waiting for you, hope you like it too ! 👀
Next update will be the step by step instructions the same day as we will send the "smoke test" (already preparing the instructions to help you). 🙏
This was fast, we already have the green light to send the surveys and open the PREORDER STORE as well !
If you receive your survey today please let us know if there was some error or glitch so we can fix it before sending the rest of the surveys thank you for your help. 🙏
We hope the instructions and choices will be clear enough but in case here are some informations :
1. You will receive an email from our backerkit project asking you to answer the survey (there is a direct button link on the email)
First of all you will have to be connected with your account in order to be able to respond and then it will ask you to confirm your country destination for the shipping purpose.
2. After this step, you will have to choose your rewards one by one depending on your tier.
3. We made a question for you to decide about the best time to be charged between 2 options for the last payment as we know it can be difficult with all these campaigns at the same time.
4. You will access to the add-ons section (like a shop) where you can see the items available along with new surprises. Note : that for you the backers we added some related products from our shop that will be visible only during this survey time with a little discount and not at the preorder store section.
5. After that you will have to add your shipping adress (don't worries they won't be locked for now so you can change it later) + your method of payment.
That's all ! If you have any question or doubt leave us a message or comment 🥰 Can't wait to see what you will all choose and probably we will share the top ones for curiosity purpose 🏆
Also thank you so much for you quick answers on yesterday post, it's so nice to see which kind of goodies you like and we will definitely work on something more !
📢 Once the artworks are totally approved with the factory we will lock the surveys to be able to order the matching quantity of each design.
🚨 PLEASE BE AWARE : The payments made with "Pay Over Time" can't receive their surveys from backerkit until the payment is fully paid as they block them automatically.