Sorry it's been a while, the holidays and the state of the world have been a major distraction. But there is a lot to catch you up on, so saddle up and let's take off.
Warrenguard Update All art is complete and ready to go in the book, but we are still working on layout. It's been much slower going than any of us expected. This project is much bigger than anything Abbey and I have ever done. I have been in professional turmoil at my day job, Abbey moved to a new house. It's been a lot. But Warrenguard is still coming down the pipeline, and on the way.
GoFundMe To the point of being the biggest project I have ever done, I made some budget missteps. I plan to make these up out of pocket, but I am both a federal contractor, and a trans woman. I can't tell you how delicate a place to be in that is right now. If you would like to chip in some more money to help me offset the costs, I would be eternally grateful.
Let me be absolutely clear. Warrenguard is coming out no matter what. This will just make it substantially easier for me.
What's New From Luck of the Harbor?
I published a system agnostic horror setting digital zine titled Ossuary. Ossuary is a location for broken and unwanted things where they can find a seductively destructive form of belonging. Full of body horror, lament, and small moments of tenderness that make the dread worse.
Luck of the Harbor is publishing its first "Luck of the Harbor Presents" game! Ace Adventure and the Flying Royal Flush by Brian Liberge was a big inspiration for Warrenguard, and I'm excited for it to be available everywhere soon.
I am currently playtesting the follow-up to Warrenguard, a very different game titled Can You Host?Can You Host? is a game about messy queers trying to hook up, but none of them want to host. It is my attempt to contribute to Darling Demon Eclipse's Faggot Games movement. If you're interested in playtesting, join the playtest discord.