Lorri Moulton
16 days ago

Project Update: Are you ready?? We launch in a little over an hour!

We are so happy to include you in our FIRST Backerkit campaign!  This is our way of celebrating the release of our fourth Enchanted Fairytale: Magical Garden.  We also have all the earlier stories in this series available in our tiers...ebooks and paperbacks.

And the first 40 people to back our campaign will receive a Fairytale postcard signed by the author. This is the only physical reward we offer that is available outside of the continental United States. 

We also our celebrating our first cross-collaborative campaign by offering a special reward for anyone who pledges to our campaign AND D.L. Gardner's Thread of a Spider.  Check out this lovely reward that D.L. painted.  She also painted the covers for most of our Enchanted Fairytales including Magical Garden. 

Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Lorri Moulton/Lavender Cottage Books




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