Thank you all! This is a project which is rather different from what we normally do, and we're just so happy to be able to make these awesome cards happen.
And the artwork winner is -
Our poll to decide the artwork on the cards has now closed. It couldn't have been closer. There was ONE VOTE in it. It ended 50:50, but Birdy (rear) had 144 votes and birdy (front) 143.
So it will be the rear on the back of the card, and we'll use the front image underneath the text (faded down).
The artwork for the back of the cards
So both will be used on the finished cards :)
What Happens next? If this is your first crowd funding campaign welcome aboard! I have popped a brief first timers guide at the bottom of this update so you know what's going to be happening & when.
Backerkit will charge cards once the project ends, and there is a window of 14 days to correct any card issues which pop up. After 14 days you'll be imported into our pledge manager and we'll send out the surveys in the new year.
While this is happening we'll be finalising the card content, proofing, editing and then printing. We are aiming to have these cards with you around Easter 2024, I will be able to get a more accurate timeline once we have started printing.
Digital delivery will be in January. we'll send out the PDF's using the pledge manager "digital downloads" tab, and DriveThruRPG will be our digital fulfilment partner.
If you had any issues with your payment don't panic! You'll still be imported into the pledge manager survey and you can settle any outstanding funds owed at this stage.
We'll update every 2 weeks or so with news on manufacturing, shipping and other news as it comes up.