about 1 month ago

Project Update: Errored payments & surveys

I wanted to give one last warning that there are only 3 days left for people to fix their errored payments! There are over 20 backers who haven't cleared their declined cards.

If you are unsure about your payment status please follow the chart below! Once your payment has gone through it will say that you were charged and the date.

If you cannot fix your payment by the 27th, you can always pay the full amount + shipping during your survey.

Everyone will be emailed BackerKit survey's in the next two days. I will send out smoke tests tomorrow and after 24 hours all backers should receive their survey in their inbox. I appreciate it if these surveys are filled out as soon as possible as I use your orders to count for how many items I need to order.

Please understand that payments are not automatically charged if you use a card (you will be charged if you use paypal). I have included an question in the survey if you wish to be charged as soon as you finish your survey or if you want to wait until I am ready to fulfill orders.

Thank you for your support! Please email me if you have any questions. Also, feel free to join my shop Discord server to keep updated on all the stuff I am up to!

<3 Lizbie
user avatar image for Lizbie





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