Lily moon suits
13 days ago

Project Update: Important updates!! PLEASE READ

Hey everyone!!

Wanna say first thank you again for all the love on these little guys!! Soja and i have worked very hard to get these concepts into fruition, and sample production is underway!! Hoping to have the first finished new samples by the end of next week to start sharing with you guys!

Now, onto the updates!!

Samples are looking to be 100% done by mid march if all goes well, what exactly does this mean? Well it means that bulk production can begin sooner! Which means you guys will receive your little friends sooner!!  There is also now a logo for these guys, which i will share in another update!!

You will be able to add extra plushies to your pledge during the survey portion that gets sent out at the end of the campaign, and i will also have preorders available for one week at the end of the campaign as well.

We are so close to getting another stretch goal unlocked, please consider sharing this campaign with those who you think would love a little friend!!

What comes next for pocket pals?
Simply put, it seems like the prehistoric line will be the winner of the vote, unless a ton of voters come in and change or add votes. This being said, a name has been selected for this "series 2" of pocket pals!!

After discussing with another fellow prehistoric critter enthusiest, therbis who made pocketsaurs. We decided removing Pocket from my line would be a good idea to help distinguish our two brands, and therefor the new name for series 2 will be.....

Prehistoric Pals!!

We had a few other ideas such as pocket fossils, or paleo pals but settled on prehistoric Pals!! And below is a fun concept of one of the first ones!!

As well as a list of planned designs!! We will be aiming to do not only dinosaurs, but other critters as well!!

-Giant sloth
-T- rex
- Kelenken Guillermoi

I grew up absolutely obsessed with fossils, and prehistoric animals! And actively collect fossils by going out and digging or scuba diving for them myself. It would be absolutely a dream to be able to make a whole line of critters inspired by the very fossils i grew up loving.

If we can reach 45k then we will get the first 8 samples for this series made!! Please help us reach this goal!!

As well as this, the seccond series backer kit will start in september or august! And i will keep this one updated as we get closer to that date as well!!
336 votes • Final results
If we can hit this goal, we will be able to get the samples for the next campaign much sooner and start the future camapgin in august rather than 2026!!
Goal: $45,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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