over 1 year ago

Project Update: Funded!

We reached our minimum goal!

We can't tell you how grateful we are to all of you. God is good!

So . . . now what?

The wonderful news is that this is happening. Lightraiders will, in fact, go into production after five+ years of hard work. Now it's just a matter of what kind of volume we can achieve through pre-orders to make this system affordable to families and churches. If you've already backed us (or plan to) your campaign price is already below our best achievable production price. But, with about 500 backers, we could achieve that low production price and make this system truly affordable to help us spread the kingdom. Can we get to 500 backers in the next 29 days?

We also made you a promise. Upon reaching the minimum $10,000 level, we promised to show you Dean's incredible Lightraiders sketch. We can't tell you its purpose, but we can show it to you (isn't that crazy?). And if we hit 150% funded ($15,000), we'll give every backer at the boxed set level and up a free mini-poster of the completed artwork. Are you ready to see it? Dean's sketch is in the backer only content of this update!

Once again, we can't thank our backers enough. Your support means so much to us. You did it. You brought us across the line that guarantees we'll be able to get Lightraiders into production. Thank you! If you're planning to back us by pre-ordering Lightraiders, now is the time. New momentum will help us achieve that 500 backer goal.

The Lightraiders Team
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
38 votes • Final results
We'll reveal Dean Zachary's mystery art piece
Goal: $10,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
When we hit $15,000 in funding, every backer receiving a boxed set and above will receive Dean's mystery print!
Goal: $15,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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