Get Ready for Foxy Deck: A gorgeous card deck watercolored by a 12 year-old!
by Levity Games
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Foxy Deck started over 4 years ago when my step-daughter Brielle was inspired by my creation of a game called Gnome Hollow.
Brielle, 12-years old, proudly holding up her last 4 fox illustrations.
Brielle began painting foxes to create a custom card deck. It took her 4 months to paint all of these beautiful watercolors. She wanted each suit to celebrate a season: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. It was AMAZING to see a 12-year old girl working on such a HUGE project!
The Spades suit celebrates foxes in winter.
Not surprisingly, once she finished the paintings, it sat unfinished for years. A few months ago, as she was preparing to head to college (Art School) next year, she felt it was time for her to finish this project. So Levity Games is helping her bring this project to life!
I'm so proud to introduce Brielle Lott, a brilliant young artist and the creator of Foxy Deck!
Brielle's Foxy Deck showcases young foxlings in all four seasons. The Spring cards show them exploring their new green world. They play in the bright sun of the Summer. Fall captures the gathering and preparing for Winter, and Winter brings snow, leading to a new brood of young foxes.
She was also inspired by the idea of multi-tailed foxes for the Aces in the deck. As the year progresses from the 2-tailed fox in the Spring, the Ace foxes gain more tails until the final Winter fox has 9 tails, representing the fruition of their foxiness.
If you love foxes and beautiful art, please consider following, sharing and backing this charming deck of cards. The proceeds from this campaign will go directly to Brielle to help fund her illustration studies in college next year!
-Ammon Anderson
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