Esra | La Muci
12 months ago

Project Update: Next steps πŸ‘‰ processing payments, setting up the fulfilment survey, and more ...

Hello, my dearest! πŸ€— As promised I wanted to give you a heads-up about the next steps. Currently, BackerKit is in the process of gathering all pledges from backers. If your pledge was not successfully processed due to an error, you have until the 10th of March to address the issue. Occasionally, payments are hindered by banks, so if this has occurred, kindly contact your bank to ensure they authorize BackerKit to proceed with processing your order.

After the 10th of March, I'll set up the fulfillment survey for this project. Within the survey, you will retain the option to customize your order or confirm it in its current state. Upon completion of the fulfillment survey, you will provide your address, enabling us to accurately dispatch your items. If you happen to be a backer of Wondering Dreamscapes as well all items will be shipped together in a single package.

As my minimum order quantities exceed the requirements for this project, individuals can continue to place preorders for the pins through BackerKit's dedicated preorder page. I will inform you once the preorder page is established, in case you are aware of anyone interested in joining the project.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to [email protected].

Kindest regards,
Esra & the La Muci team πŸ˜ΈπŸ™€πŸ˜»




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