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Operation Golden Cut: Adventure for Mothership RPG

Operation Golden Cut: Adventure for Mothership RPG

"Operation Golden Cut" is a sci-fi horror adventure for Mothership RPG. Navigate a war-torn mining moon, steal valuable cache of gold amidst brutal corporate conflict, and survive the horrors of human greed and warfare.
208,181 SEK 🎉
of 26,700 SEK
Project Ended
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This project is part of MOTHERSHIP MONTH 👽, which runs from November 12th - December 12th 2024. Learn more →




Operation Golden Cut

Welcome to Operation Golden Cut, a military heist sci-fi horror adventure for the Mothership RPG. The war-torn moon of Bonaccio is a nightmare of violence and betrayal, with two mega-corporations locked in a deadly conflict over a mysterious metal simillar to gold, "FiboGold," which, due to its unique molecular structure, is valued way more then the old shiny metal itself.

You and your crew are not here to choose sides and be pawns in corporal chess; you're here to steal as much of it possible and get out safely.

It will be a brutal horror showcasing human suffering and greed amidst war-torn scenes with a lust for riches. It will be an action anti-war drama combined with a heist twist.

The Setting

Bonaccio is no ordinary battlefield. The moon's surface is a desolate wasteland of black obsidian and molten gold rivers, constantly bombarded by golden lightning from miles-high storm clouds. The air is toxic, and death lurks around every corner. Both the Lás Medulas family corporation and the mercenary forces of CFL wage a brutal war, fighting for control of this precious resource amidst the chaos, without any remorse for human suffering.


Operation Golden Cut is a military heist scenario and it contains a lot to offer to make this an action driven, problem solving cacophony of human greed, suffering and occasional heroism an unforgetable experience.

Page spread preview

The module is a softcover saddle-stitched zine, US half letter size (5.5×8.5 inches) with 30+ pages, which will contain:

  • 🎖️ Expanded character options to create a proper miliatry unit from your rag-tag group of greenhons. Multi-use military equipment, survival tools and of course, list of 🏵️mercenary patches to give you that spark of inspiration to create your own badass.
  • Dynamic battlefield on military themed 🗺️ map with 25 keyed locations, which changes itself as the unit progresess along the map into enemy teritory and with the time passed on their way.
  • 🏭 Factory-dungeon with six levels/rooms to act as a centerpiece for finale and to change the scenery from obsidian bomb-teared fields to machine filled death trap.
  • Evolving ⛖ Random encounter table which propels this explosive soldier sandbox to action. With additional 🌆 Atmospheric background table to make each encounter unique.
  • ⚔️ Random unit generator complete with their structure, gear, character, names and portraits. And not to overlook innocent bystanders, there are also 👫 20 non-soldier NPCs to give color to adventure and provide you with an opportunity to paint the moon red.
  • Three extra tables to give you more tools to your arsenal. One gives you ten 💣 unique Grenades, each with its own creative ways to use. Next one is simillar, but about some 🏗️ scifi mining equipment and machines to exploit in unexpected ways. And last one is giving you 💥 gruesome inspiration on how to show us, humans, how cruel and evil we can be, if given a chance and tools of death.


Early Bird Reward - Back Within the First 48 hours: 
  • Free Operation Golden Cut Patch
    • Get a cloth patch to comemorate you participated and survived the Operation Golden Cut on Bonnacio moon. Black and gold with Fibonnaci spiral motif. 
  • Physical Pledge level backers will get the cloth patch. 
  • Physical and Digital copy pledge levels will get the .png of the patch

Community Reward - All Mothership Month Projects Fund: 
  • Sticker sheet of patches from the module
    • 16 colored stickers showcasing several Military patches from the zine
  • Physical copy pledge level backers will receive physical sheets.
  • Physical and Digital copy pledge levels will get the .pdf and .png of copies of the stickers. 

Operation Golden Cut and The Iron Hive are teaming in a Cross-Collab to bring even more content to our shared backers! If both campaigns reach their funding goals, anyone who backs both projects will receive exclusive bonus content at no extra cost.

Backers will get 3 index-card-sized, plug-n-play extras featuring content designed to integrate elements from The Iron Hive into Operation Golden Cut. You can use these extras as intended or incorporate them wherever you like!

Initially, this reward will be available in Digital form. However, once we reach a combined total of 150 backers, it will be upgraded to a Physical reward!

We both have several concepts available and it will be up to you, cross-collab backers, to decide which you want to see! The voting will be run through the campaign.

Digital Only ( 13 USD | 11.96 EUR  | 138.84 SEK | 10.01 GPB | 19.76 AUS | 18.07 CAD) 
This version will include PDF of the Zine and all unlocked Stretch Goals. If you are aplicable for Early Bird and Collective Reward, you will get them in png/pdf version.

Print version ( 19 USD | 17.48 EUR | 202.92 SEK | 14.63 GPB | 28.88 AUS | 26.41 CAD)
This is the Zine in print and in PDF. It will include all unlocked Stretch Goals. If you are aplicable for Early Bird and Collective Reward, you will get them both in png/pdf version and Physical.

Deluxe version ( 33 USD | 30.36 EUR | 352.44 SEK | 25.41 GPB | 50.16 AUS | 45.87 CAD)
This is a Deluxe verison of the Zine. It will include all items from Print version and:
+ big print of the map
+ patch "Operation Golden Cut"
+ in-game pamphlet giving more background about Mercenary corp CFL, with extra gameable material (hooks, equipment, etc.)



F*CK it. I want it, you want it. So I’m combining the last three stretch goals as one. If we reach the 207k SEK goal, I will include all three last Achievements in it. ;) 

Update to mission:
(UNLOCKED) GOAL: 2500 USD  | 2300 EUR | 26,700 SEK | 1925 GPB | 3800 AUS | 3475 CAD 
  • FUNDED! Get to the Drop Pod!
    We are funded! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
    And now GET TO THE DROP POD!

(UNLOCKED) SG1: 3000 USD | 2760 EUR | 32,040 SEK | 2310 GPB | 4560 AUS | 4170 CAD
  • 10 military vehicles with stats
    This will be an addition to the zine with 5-10 pages of Military vehicles (example: Gun truck, Armored car, remote Gun platform, Spider tank, Self-propelled Artillery, etc.) with stats for Mothership and maybe some Upgrade options/Weapon choices.

(UNLOCKED) SG2: 4000 USD | 3680 EUR | 42,720 SEK | 3080 GPB | 6080 AUS | 5560 CAD
  • Pre-made soldier NPCs in addition to Soldier generator
    Four (or six) pre-made NPC (two pages added to zine) with names, motivations, side-queste and portraits to spice up the game in style of Gradient Descent/A Pound of Flesh modules.

(UNLOCKED) SG3: 5000 USD | 4600 EUR | 53,400 SEK | 3850 GPB | 7600 AUS | 6950 CAD
  • Digital assets (maps, tokens, portraits)
    All art and maps from the zine in separate folder for you to import to your favorite VTT.

(UNLOCKED) SG4: 6000 USD | 5520 EUR | 64,080 SEK | 4620 GPB | 9120 AUS | 8340 CAD
  • Art for industrial machines
    I will create side-view drawings for all the Industrial machiens (10 in total) in zine.
WIP of how the Drawings will look like

(UNLOCKED) SG5: 7000 USD  | 6440 EUR | 74,760 SEK | 5390 GPB | 10,640 AUS | 9730 CAD
  • Art for military vehicles
    Art for all the military vehicles in zine, in same style as the Industrial drawings.

(UNLOCKED) SG6: 9000 USD  | 8280 EUR | 96,120 SEK | 6930 GPB | 13,680 AUS | 12,510 CAD
  • Dry-Erase Battle map
    The Printed map in Deluxe edition will be Dry-erase, so you can write your battle-plans right on it!

(UNLOCKED) SG7: 11,000 USD  | 10,120 EUR | 117,480 SEK | 8470 GPB | 16,720 AUS | 15,290 CAD
  • Art for Grenades
    All ten grenades from zine will have and art (and digital card).

(UNLOCKED) SG8: 13,000 USD  | 11,960 EUR | 138,840 SEK | 10,010 GPB | 19,760 AUS | 18,070 CAD
  • Soundtrack
    Isiolia, creator for music for trailer, will create more atmospheric music for the adventure. And I will also commision several other musicians, to create a full OST for the module.

(UNLOCKED) SG9: 16,000 USD  | 14,720 EUR | 170,880 SEK | 12,320 GPB | 24,320 AUS | 22,240 CAD
  • Tables inside cover
    On the both sides of the cover, there will be printed extra tables for the module.

SG10: 19,000 USD  | 17,965 EUR | 207,780 SEK | 14,911 GPB | 29,720 AUS | 26,906 CAD
  • More Art
    I ill commission more art to make the zine prettier. It will be from Kvacm and other artists (possibly Zach Hazard Vaupen! O_O) 

SG10A: 19,000 USD  | 17,965 EUR | 207,780 SEK | 14,911 GPB | 29,720 AUS | 26,906 CAD
  • Quality upgrade
    Better quality book overal. Cover, inside, …

SG10B: 19,000 USD  | 17,965 EUR | 207,780 SEK | 14,911 GPB | 29,720 AUS | 26,906 CAD
  • TPC/NPC cards (digital)
    Several versions of cards with portraits from the zine. Empty for PC´s, Filled fro NPC´s.

...can we get deeper into enemy territory? Lets waits and see soldiers...

In-Universe References 
To help build an interconnected universe for Wardens to dive into, Syndicate Wastrels and a number of other campaigns are inserting cross-references and easter eggs into their random tables and side content that will allow you to organically (or accidentally!) link between products. Check them out below! 

  • 90 Seconds to Midnight by Ranne
  • The Iron Hive by Wicked Oni Publishing
  • Not Enough Scoundrels by 5 Million Worlds Press
  • Operation Golden Cut by Krakenhund Studios
  • Death Pays All Debts by Octopus Ink Games



  • Worldwide shipping will be organized by RV Games via ShipBob.
  • The following table shows estimated shipping rates. These are only estimates and can change between now and fulfillment.
  • Shipping fees will be collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager.
Shipping Estimates for Operation Golden Cut

Pledge Manager

RV Games will be using BackerKit as a pledge manager once the campaign is complete. We will be using a feature called Auto-lock and Charge that will lock your order and charge you for shipping and add-ons when you complete your survey. For this reason, you will end up receiving your survey a little later than you may be used to, surveys will go out once products have arrived at the warehouse.


After the campaign, you will be able to purchase add-ons from RV Games back catalog, a selection of third party ttrpg zines and books, and a small selection of gaming accessories. Add-ons that contain more than just print material will need to pay VAT in the UK. Shipping is included in the price of the add-ons purchased through BackerKit except for heavier items. These heavier add-ons have a $5 USD (55 SEK, $7 CAD, 4£ GBP, 5€ EUR, $8 AUS) shipping surcharge.


I expect to have the module done, printed and at your place in maximum 8 months. This is also with some extra time for unexpected delays. So, there is a high propability that it will be even sooner. 

  • Operation Golden Cut is fully written and now is going through playtests and editing. Cover art is done, internal art by me is half-way done.  
  • Most of stretch goals are 50-80% done, so that should not impact the schedule too much. 
  • After the campaign I will work on layout, but main composition is done.

  • The RV Games are quite skilled in fullfilling, so no delays are expected in that also.
  • So, there is little risk for any delays in general.

Writing and Illustrations: Julius "kin" Karajos from Krakenhund studio: Small time creator and big fan of rpg´s and horror in general.

Distribution and Fulfillment: RV Games
RV Games is a Queer publisher of auteur tabletop games

Editor: Christian Sorell from "Meatcastle publishing":

Cover artist Michal "Kvacm" Kváč:

Intro music: Julia "Isiolia" Krausová: my talented girlfriend and love.


Brace yourself for Mothership Month—a group-collab project led by Tuesday Knight Games featuring some of the brightest stars from the Mothership third-party publishing (3PP) community. Each 👩‍🚀 creator has launched a brand new adventure filled with criminals, smugglers, and rimspace pirates.


Mothership Month Supply Pods

🚀 Back 5+ projects at the physical level and gain access to the SUPPLY PODS. All Supply Pods are now unlocked, so backing just 5 projects will get you all of the below:

  • 🌟 Supply Pod 1 (Unlocked!): 1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS. Each pack contains 13 pre-made character cards ready for use as pre-gen characters or NPCs. Each pack comes with at least one FOIL card.
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 2 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, 5 foil campaign project stickers.
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 3 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, +5 foil campaign project stickers, and an exclusive Mothership Month 24 pin!
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 4 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, +11 foil campaign project stickers, and Shadow of a Doubt a brand new "reverse murder mystery" pamphlet adventure by Ian Yusem (Hull Breach, The Drain).

All in: if you back 5+ projects you're getting 4 Character Card packs (an entire deck of cards), 21 foil project stickers, an exclusive Mothership Month 24 pin, and a brand new adventure pamphlet.

Are there more Supply Pods to come? We're looking into it now!

Streams, Interviews, and more!

All month long, we're diving into the void with daily streams, unsettling interviews, and exclusive, heart-pounding reveals. Whether you're a veteran spacer or new to the Mothership, join us in celebrating the universe’s bravest survivors…and those who didn’t make it back.

Thanks for joining us on our first ever Mothership Month! 👽
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