Creators You Might Like
These are creators that you might be interested because you are interested in Project Dastan by KP11 Studios .
1,013 FollowersMoonbeam: Revolutionizing Live Streaming
Moonbeam is a revolutionary new live streaming platform that has completely reimagined the future of live streaming!
$62,435 🎉of $10,000736backers
MCDM Productions
63,923 FollowersThe MCDM RPG: Draw Steel
Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.
$4,600,520 🎉of $800,00030,177backers
Monte Cook Games
41,494 FollowersThe Anywhere Door—a community hub from Monte Cook Games
Imagine a place where you can find all kinds of great MCG video content. Now imagine a vibrant, friendly, well-moderated chat community. Put it all together in a single place with an elegant, welcoming user interface, and you have The Anywhere Door!
$18,285 🎉of $15,000520backers
The Gauntlet
12,590 FollowersThe Between
The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about monster-hunters in Victorian-era London. It's inspired by the TV show Penny Dreadful, British horror classics, and pulp media. Its rules are based on the award-winning Brindlewood Bay.
$289,681 🎉of $10,0003,528backers
Charles Ryan
56,595 FollowersOld Gods of Appalachia: Deeper Still
Take your Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game adventures to deeper, creepier, and more atmospheric places with three new supplements plus useful and immersive extras. And if you're new to the game, this is a great place to start!
$803,832 🎉of $100,0005,211backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,312 FollowersDice Pool
A streaming series of GM advice to help you get that game off the shelf and onto the table. Tips & tricks from expert GMs for running Blades in the Dark, Monster of the Week, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, and Fate.
$11,795 🎉of $5,000424backers
Monte Cook Games
41,494 FollowersAdventures in the Cypher System
The Cypher System is about to become your new favorite TTRPG. With a new Starter Set, a DELUXE Cypher System Rulebook, and two striking new genre books, this campaign has something for everyone—new fans and Cypher System veterans alike!
$711,366 🎉of $50,0004,559backers
Monte Cook Games
41,494 FollowersThe Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game
The tabletop roleplaying game based on the hit horror podcast The Magnus Archives.
$2,027,997 🎉of $100,00011,622backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,312 FollowersStewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern
Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern is a collection of small games for groups of three or more players. You play a retired adventurer running a tavern and settling down in a town. Put down the sword and pick up the ladle.
$202,090 🎉of $30,0004,519backers
Big Bad Con
1,332 FollowersBig Bad Con 2024
A tabletop gaming convention focused on indie and small press games. Big Bad Con is built on the community standards of respect, support, and kindness.
$80,710 🎉of $15,000547backers
Charles Ryan
56,595 FollowersThe Darkest Woods
A mega-adventure of primal horrors, mythic witches, and our deepest, most ancient fears that will push characters to their limits and force them to confront truths about themselves, forever changing them. Compatible with all campaigns and RPG systems!
$305,125 🎉of $50,0002,025backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,312 FollowersGirl by Moonlight
A game about the tragic struggles and defiant triumphs of a group of magical girls resisting an oppressive society. Girl by Moonlight explores the heartbreak of denying who you really are, and the transcendent power of relationships and community.
$266,206 🎉of $30,0005,486backers
17,391 FollowersHow to GM Romance
Set your hearts ablaze. Learn to make romance in your tabletop games accessible, fun, and easy for everyone at the table. Including 🔧mechanics,🖋️how-to essays,🎲tables, &🎨art created by leading designers in the field.
$40,600 🎉of $15,000928backers
Monte Cook Games
41,494 FollowersThe Weird
Make every encounter, adventure, and even campaign more engaging, memorable, and fun. From legendary D&D designer Monte Cook!
$405,882 🎉of $50,0004,272backers
Renegade Game Studios
31,568 FollowersWelcome to Night Vale Roleplaying Game
The Welcome to Night Vale Roleplaying Game is a campaign setting for the Essᴇɴᴄᴇ20 Rᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ Sʏsᴛᴇᴍ, based on the Welcome to Night Vale podcast.
$529,977 🎉of $25,0006,654backers
Rowan, Rook and Decard
23,467 FollowersHOLLOWS - TTRPG Boss Fights Done Right
Plunge into the nightmare realms of Hollows and slay other people's personal demons. Hollows' unique tactical combat system allows for dynamic positioning and tactical gambits, and makes combat spectacular.
£252,583 🎉of £75,0002,843backers
Publishing Goblin
17,435 FollowersConfluence: The Living Archive
Confluence is an expansive tabletop roleplaying game of in-world artifacts and Atlases, built upon a world and a system that grows and changes as you explore.
$72,045 🎉of $55,000805backers
1,065 FollowersVoidstream: Audio + Video + Adventure for Mothership RPG
VOIDSTREAM is a toolset of found footage audio and video artifacts designed for use as in-world dressing, creative prompts, in-game adventure hooks, and/or full-on horror immersion. Paired with its companion analog horror adventure, Source Of Signal.
$33,155 🎉of $10,000358backers
Monte Cook Games
41,494 FollowersKnights of Dust and Neon
Strange, dark times call for strange, dark heroes—and these three new titles for the Cypher System deliver! Plus great pledge options for gamers trying out the Cypher System for the first time.
$372,670 🎉of $100,0002,403backers
Atlas Games
23,578 FollowersArs Magica Definitive Edition
Ars Magica's deluxe edition with vastly expanded text, new art and graphic design, and luxurious upgrades.
$841,123 🎉of $15,0005,046backers
Magpie Games
61,508 FollowersRapscallion: Strange Pirate Roleplaying on the Great Sea!
Rapscallion is a tabletop roleplaying game in which you play a rambunctious crew of pirates, testing their luck against the unpredictable winds of Fate on the Great Sea—a unique setting featuring terrifying leviathans, living books, and magic aplenty.
$187,536 🎉of $25,0003,118backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,312 FollowersDeathmatch Island
Deathmatch Island is a fast-paced game about a deadly gameshow on a mysterious island chain.
$161,870 🎉of $30,0003,111backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,312 FollowersSlayers Survival Kit and Hunter's Journal
Two new Monster of the Week books to equip your Hunters with everything they need.
$162,327 🎉of $50,0002,047backers
Tim Hutchings
14,493 FollowersSo You've Met A Thousand Year Old Vampire
You're a regular person who has made the acquaintance of a dangerous unnatural creature. Are you a friend, a lover, food, or something else? This solo tabletop role-playing game is a direct sequel to the award-winning Thousand Year Old Vampire!
$284,129 🎉of $45,0004,108backers
Charles Ryan
56,595 FollowersThe Magnus Archives RPG: Tangled in the Web
New adventures from The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims—plus new lore and new options for GMs and players. With a complete corebook FREE with every pledge, it's a great jumping-on point if you're new to the game!
$791,832 🎉of $100,0004,753backers