Kimchi Kawaii
10 days ago

Project Update: Thank You!

Hi all,

I know we still have about 19 hours or so left, but I'm going to be flying cross country when this thing ends and so won't really have access for most of the day so I wanted to get in a thank you ahead of time here!

I did notice as of writing that we dipped below the $5k needed for the second filler pins' goal. At this point, I'm not going to re-lock it. They will go into production with everything else, unless something drastic happens. But obviously, not going to complain if people want to push the final funding up over $5k here in the last half day!

Once I'm back from con (if you're going to Katsucon in MD, come say 'hi' in the artist alley!), I'll start getting stuff ready for surveys and ordering and corresponding if there are any backer issues.




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