Kim Kuzuri
6 months ago

Project Update: Grading and prepping for shipping - cards charging Friday

Hi everyone! Had a few things to double-check and straighten out, but we're all set now and BackerKit will be running the shipping charges this Friday!

I've been grading pins and prepping the all-ins first. Things overall have turned out beautifully, although I did discover that the post placement wasn't as originally intended on the multi-lands. They were correct on the proofs, but came out placed at the wrong angle. It seems wasteful to have them redone since it's mostly just the direction of the logo backstamp that's affected, so folks will just want to pay attention when placing them!

I'm about halfway through with grading which I'm doing all this week and through the weekend, and hopefully by then stickers will have arrived so we can get started putting things into the post!

With Hex! nearly all wrapped up, a reminder that I've got a little pin & hat set called Killer Style going live next month.

And, if you like cute things, keep an eye out for my friend and partner's project, Chonky Bears, a Fat Bear Week inspired collection with some fun spinner pins and some truly adorable pins.





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