Kids in the Attic
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Project Update: January 28th

Just a quick update for everyone so you know we are still hard at work.

Parish Ledger - Print proof is on the way and should be here any day now.

The Devil's Nine Questions - Print proof is on the way and should be here any day now.

Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground: A Hexcrawl Wilderness Guide in final editing and getting ready to start layout.

We had a bit of a delay in shipping stuff as I am in the South East of the United States and we got hit with snow storms and I didn't want to risk shipping them. But we are good to go.

Writs & Ephemera - editing and nearly ready for layout, although I thought of something cool to add, so might be delayed a bit.

Roots & Roasts - done and heading into editing, this is mostly format and organization.

The Return Of The Headless Horseman - Completely outlined, and in writing phase.

Ideally, we want to be completely done by the end of February to mid-March. I know we are past our initial deadline, but hopefully, the regular releases and updates have been reassuring. 

13 Screams Beneath The Withering Sky

If you are interested in this other project we are doing, it has launched.





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