about 1 year ago

Project Update: New Year Update ~ Pins still coming

Happy New Year ✰ I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, with friends and family! 

I know that it has been many months since I've given an update. I am sorry that things are so behind and that I've not done well at keeping you all updated.

I have been struggling for well over a year with some health concerns and unfortunately, over the last couple of months, my health and life circumstances have taken a turn for the worse making it difficult for me to put the focus and attention to finish getting the pins created at the pace that I was hoping. I want to get these awesome pins to you all - and won't give up.

That said, because of my health and where I am at with things, I have decided to work with a fellow pin collaborator - to help make sure that these pins can be completed and sent out to everyone! He will be taking on the role of helping me make sure these pins get completed and sent out to everyone. We are getting things started back up here and by the look of it, our current estimate is to have things fulfilled to you over the next few months as we do get manufacturing underway. Future updates from him might have some pictures from the manufacturer and should be more regular, to help keep you up to date.

Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding! I hope to continue to focus on my health for the next while and hope to be back making fun creations for you all in the future!

🌱 Kasu




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