MEET OOLONG: Oolong has a deep love for nature and art. Living with Type 1 Diabetes means she has to manage her blood sugar carefully, but she never lets it get in the way of her passion for sketching the nature around her. She wears a Continuous Glucose Monitor to keep track of her blood sugar levels, allowing her to stay healthy while she explores and catalogues leaves, flowers, etc. She’s the type of friend who reminds others to slow down and enjoy the world around them
We are only FIVE DAYS away from launch!! WOW! Can you guys believe how fast all this time went?? I swear, Jojo and I were JUST drawing up the characters and deciding when to launch... Anyways, we are SO READY!! We have a ~giveaway~ posted on our Instagram accounts as well! The prize is a Chronic Critter of your choice! Be sure to check out @disabilityfairy & @jojoorsmth !!