Jeszika Le Vye
7 months ago

Project Update: New designs getting finished! :)

I hope everyone is doing well! I thought I would check in with a quick little update of how things are progressing behind the scenes here. I've been working hard to get everything setup properly for this campaign (and the sister puzzle campaign I ran simultaneously). I've been focusing on finishing all the designs we unlocked so fast the last two days of the campaign - and I am happy to say I have finished two of the last three trios!

I'm so happy with how these two sets turned out and hope you guys love them! It is so fun finding the mood and shape language that makes each set feel cohesive together. 

This only leaves one trio to go - the blue heron, indigo, and dragon! I've decided I am going to go ahead and design all three, even though the dragon didn't quite get unlocked - as it feels so strange to be missing just the last one design out of the whole set of 24. 

It's crazy to think we got that far and I really had thought we would only unlock 4 or 5 painting trios lol but since we got so close to that finish line, I wanted to see it all the way across :) 

The extra design will be available as an option once I get the pre-order store setup and in the surveys. For now, though, I am focusing on finishing the designs themselves and working with the manufacturers to get everything just right. 

Anyways, I just wanted to touch base with you guys and let you know that progress is being made and share some of the new designs as I finish them! I am finding the trios are taking me about a week and a half - to two weeks to do all three designs, so I will probably have another update with the last three designs in about two weeks! Love you guys, and as always, thank you so much for all the support in bringing this project to life! <3 
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