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Hi, I'm not affiliated with this campaign, but I did eventually get my pins. 🙂 You can to, if you send them a message: Let them know you backed this project, your confirmation number, and any other info you think is relevant to confirm your backing. 1985 Games got back to me in about a day and said they've taken over. To get your confirmation #: Visit the Pledge Levels tab on this campaign, hit the Current Pledge Level button, and it's just below the Your Pledge heading. Hope you have a great day!
This user contributed to this community!
What the hell guys, it’s been over a year! Pintopia 2024 is wrapping up and we’ve still not heard anything from you! Where are the pins we’ve paid for? Any communication at this point would be better than we’ve had so far!
This user contributed to this community!
Guys, it’s been a year! What the Smurf is happening? Has anyone out there got their pins yet?
This user contributed to this community!
How many months has it been since an update? Plus, I still havent gotten what I've paid for.
This user contributed to this community!
It's been months since the last update, which said it shouldn't take this long.