Let me be the first to welcome you to C.L.E.A.N., the Co-Departmental Land, Equipment, and Assets Network.

Now, I know you don't want to be here. Nobody does, but after what happened, you need to look at this posting as a chance to server the Bureau and make a meaningful attempt to get your career back on track.

I don't care what you were doing before or what you did to end up here. The basement of the Hoover is not a glamourous place. You are not going to be making headlines down here, but you will help to ensure that the Bureau is not wasting funding, which means more can go to the projects that need it.

It's important work. And almost as importantly, it's your last chance.

So, grab one of the brown boxes and get to filing. Deborah will walk you through using the database and how to spot areas of concern. A bit of warning, she is a stickler for accurate record keeping, so don't slack off.

Do a good job and you might even be eligible for field work in a few months. Don't get too excited, its usually just clearing out old offices, retrieving records, and sorting out the belongings of agents we've lost in the field. But hey... at least it gets you out of the basement.

So go on, get to work.
user avatar image for Jason Bulmahn





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