Unfortunately, I've ended this campaign with a plan to relaunch later.
Nobody should be charged for this campaign at all.
Part of crowdfunding is sharing the triumphs but also sharing the struggles. This is the first time I've had to end any kind of campaign early like this and I'm happy to chat openly about why.
The main issue was in trying a new crowdfunding service, I underestimated how different Backerkit was from Kickstarter.
I did make some changes to my usual strategy (such as early promotion, early ads rather than a surprise launch) but I don't think I studied the differences and strengths of the platform enough.
There are a lot of great features I'd like to try for a future campaign like the ability to live stream. I have a plan for an unannounced, upcoming game where I could live stream 30 days in a row. That sounds like a lot of fun to me and a great way to promote. Unfortunately, this time my plan was mostly ad-based and they just haven't been responding the same way as they typically do on Kickstarter. I wouldn't have had the time scheduled to do many streams for this campaign.
I also want to give a shout out to the staff at Backerkit for being a great group of professionals and really working hard to create an exciting new platform in the crowdfunding world. I do hope to be back!
And if you're looking for a great project to back in the meantime, my dear friend Peter Chiykowski launched a new campaign for The Story Engine and it's honestly one of the most thoughtful and well put together products I've ever backed. Definitely worth a look!
As for the game itself, I don't doubt for a second that Drinking Quest: Belch of the Wild will not only be the best game in the series but be a leap forward for the ridiculous genre of Drinking RPGs. You can expect to see that relaunched on Kickstarter in the coming weeks.
Finally, thank you SO MUCH to you, a forward thinking group of early adopters that believed in the project and backed right away! Backing in the early days means so much to anyone running a crowdfunding campaign.
And as for me I'll be back to writing dumb jokes, thinking about funny game ideas and planning a relaunch!