GEAS Role Playing System

GEAS Role Playing System

GEAS is a high fantasy role-playing game designed with a core mechanic that's easy to learn yet offers tremendous flexibility and options and fosters player agency. Best yet, the core rules will be Creative Commons so YOU have control over your creations
$6,065 🎉
of $2,500
Project Ended
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Who We Are

Izegrim Creations is an award-winning Indie publishing company. Previous awards include 2011 DieHard Gamefan's Best New Game of the Year, and 2023 ENNIE Nominee for Best Creature book with Twilight Fables. We have run several successful crowdfunding campaigns, always delivering on time.

Check out our main website here for an in-depth under-the-hood look at GEAS.


GEAS Role-Playing System

GEAS is a heroic fantasy role-playing game, where focus is placed on teamwork and agency for both players AND the Game Master. The point of games is for everyone at the table to have fun, right? GEAS is designed around that principle. The core mechanic is easy to learn, easy to teach, while offering more flexibility and options than many RPGs out there. Sounds ambitious? Sure is! But we believe we've done it, and all playtest groups have agreed!

This campaign offers you a ton of content. Not only does it include the core Rulebook, the Beasts&Baubles book, but also GEAS CRUX, the first adventure in Return of the Rat King, and exclusive Backerkit content!

The core mechanic is a dice pool system, but with a twist. The most basic rule is that whenever you attempt a challenge (attack, ability check, skill check, etc.), you roll a pool of dice and compare your highest result that against the highest value of the opponent's roll (or flat number if an ability check). Approaching the game this way eliminates 95% of the math during combat--you're simply comparing the highest values.

But it gets better...

The type and number of dice in your pool is based on several factors, such as skill, items, magic, or other scenarios. A newbie might have a pool of 2d6 while an experienced adventurer might have 4d10 or even 3d12 in their pool.
When you're comparing the highest number, you have a chance for additional successes if more than one of your dice beats the opponent's. You can use additional successes to apply more powerful attacks, extraordinary ability checks, etc.

But it gets better...

This system offers a ton of flexibility in that you can trade your dice for another type. Spend two d6s in your pool to roll 1d8 instead. Or trade in a d8 from your pool to roll 2d6s. You choose if you want to try for a better success, or for a chance of multiple successes.

All of this results in a combat mechanic that moves fast while still offering a lot of options for you as a player.

GEAS is all about fostering a heroic adventure for the Player Characters. In that vein, there is a mechanic called "Heroic Points". You earn these point by doing epic things in game, GM awards, or have a trait that grants them. You spend heroic points to alter the narrative. Some options include, but certainly aren't limited to:
  • rerolling challenge rolls
  • adding dice to your dice pools
  • letting an ally reroll one of their dice pools or forcing an enemy to reroll theirs
  • make an impossible task possible
  • extending the duration or effect of a trait or spell

Or whatever else you and your table wants to use them for! But be advised, some monsters have Villain Points which allow them to so the same!

GEAS is trait-based rather than level-based. In alignment with empowerment and flexibility, you choose which abilities to gain as you increase in experience, rather than get a flat major pre-determined power boost by leveling up in other systems.

Here at Izegrim Creations, we are all about helping make it easier for players and GMs. As you can see, not only is the character sheet highly useable and easy to reference, you also have sheets for every specialty listing out all of their available traits. Simply print out your corresponding specialty sheet, and every time you're awarded an experience point, mark which trait you learn. You don't need to write them down on your sheet, and each one also contains a description of what that traits does.

Check out the Banneret Warrior Specialty! Just one of more than a dozen specialties to choose from.

The rulebook is designed to help you as a Game Master (GM). Sprinkled throughout are best practices and suggests from successful experienced GMs. Not only is this invaluable for newer GMs, but experienced GMs will also find this information helpful and valuable.
GEAS also includes plenty of tables and guides in how to structure your adventure and modify your creatures to keep things fresh and keep players on their toes!



The images above are all from the Core rulebook, but as a special treat, GEAS also offers a basic streamlined version: GEAS CRUX.  CRUX strips the rules to their most basic form, fitting the entire rulebook and monster list into one 6"x9" digest sized book. Have you wanted to teach others role-playing? Perhaps your kids? CRUX is designed to be very easy to learn and teach, and is perfect for the whole family!  Based on playtesting, it's also a great game for one-offs or convention play, because it's that easy to get up and running with it!


Backerkit Exclusive!

Exclusive to this Crowdfunding project and as a thank you for all you supporters, If you back this project you will gain access to a special profession and ancestry that will not appear in the core game!


Bonus for Early Backers!

Those that back within the first 48 hours will get a free PDF of Revenge of the Rat King, the inaugural adventure for GEAS!

All others can add this adventure as an add-on.


SRD (Creative Commons)

GEAS includes a Creative Commons License SRD!

Yep, that's right. 150 pages of the core rules and tons of character, monster, and spell options are all included in a Creative Commons license System Reference Document (SRD). Why Creative Commons? Because, unlike an Open Gaming License (OGL), you won't have to worry about us trying to revoke it later. We believe the hobby has always been one where allowing players to create their own stuff is what made the hobby what it is today. So take the SRD and run with it! Create your own stuff and do what you want with it. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next big designer!



Fulfillment will be done through DTRPG.  As an industry leader for decades, DTRPG is reliable and a company I have worked with for years to provide fulfillment.  Shipping will be calculated separately from the pledge level amount. For a good general idea of the cost of shipping, DTRPG provides a guide here:



Crowdfunding campaigns can carry significant risk. The great news is that the way Izegrim Creations approaches our products, there is almost no risk to you. The books are 99.5% complete. When the project funds, you typically get your digital rewards within a week of the funds clearing. Hardcover books get shipped shortly after. This is how I ran Chromatic Dungeons, Bugbears&Borderlands, and Twilight Fables. Reputation means a lot, and I believe in you getting what you paid for. 

AI Policy

This project does not use AI art. All art has been drawn by a human being. We at Izegrim Creations believe that the little guy is the heartbeat of our hobby, and we need to support each other.

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