6 months ago

Project Update: Release Date and Shipment Status!

Hey Nerds, it's almost toward the end of the summer! Release date has passed us on August 29th, and we incredibly appreciate the support you've all shown in sharing this anthology through your social media! Seriously, you rock! 🙌

E-book copies of the files should be available for you all at this point under your survey section as of the release date! Please let us know if you're having any issues accessing the files for some reason.

At this time we're preparing for shipment of physical rewards, however we are still experiencing a bottlenecking issue that originated with another of our projects, which we are trying to resolve by both moving Indiginerds and Failure to Launch first to open up more physical inventory space with our fulfillment, White Squirrel. 

We're currently in the process of moving Failure to Launch and are about 50% of the way through. Once this has completed your packages with all of the additional goodies you requested will be bundled up and shipped out to your current addresses in one singular shipment. This began first instead only because is ended up that we received the contents for that project before this one, otherwise we would have wanted the shipment date to release closer to the market date, so I do apologize. 

I'll be making another post here once we've reached the point of beginning shipments for Indiginerds as well to keep you all in the loop. Thank you all so much for your patience!
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