Howard and Sandra Tayler
8 months ago

Project Update: Last Call! Structuring Life to Support Creativity (and a Seventy Maxims quick update)

Greetings Backers!

TL;DR: It looks like it will be August before I have Seventy Maxims books, which is very frustrating. There are only three days left on Structuring Life to Support Creativity, don't miss out!  Your next update will be the Week of August 19-23.

Only 3 days left for Structuring Life to Support Creativity

Structuring Life to Support Creativity by Sandra Tayler is a book full of concepts, tools, and activities to help you build space in the life you have for the creative work you want to do. The book is drawn from 30 years of experience in juggling creative work along with everything else. The whole book is written with a focus on adapting for how your brain works instead of trying to change you to fit expectations and includes such topics as Managing Mental Load, Arranging Your Physical Space, The Problem of Motivation, and How to come back to your creative work when life goes sideways.

We'd really love to fund an Audiobook and an offset print run before the project closes on Thursday July 18. We're close!  CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PROJECT.

Thank you so much for your patience as I pitch this project at you one last time. After this we'll return to your regularly scheduled Schlock Mercenary and Seventy Maxims updates. 

Thank you so much for backing our project,
Sandra & Howard Tayler
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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