In Stefan Surratt's Dragon Peak Publishing Substack he asked me about River of Lies and I said this about the adventure:
"The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs plays a big part in shaping the lore of my version of the Purple Planet’s Ghost River of Varnasu. On Barsoom, the River of Iss is a journey to the paradisiacal afterlife. On the Purple Planet, it crashes upon the landscape and beckons the PCs to enter the waters. The adventure starts as the Ghost River appears. It whisks them away (as forces of nature do) to an unknown valley in the Ancestor Peaks. The adventurers are lost and must find their way back to their previous goal."

Additionally, I've revealed other influences for the adventure:
"River of Lies utilizes the Purple Planet's Ghost River of Varnasu and the Ancestor Peaks to present a dangerous meeting with house of Thero’Agarst, leaders of a lost religious cult of the Ascended Masters. Literary inspirations include The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Death's Master by Tannith Lee, and The Citadel of the Autarch by Gene Wolfe."

This week and until the end of the crowdfunding campaign, this final book club session is an AMA about the adventure, its influences, and really anything else you might have on your mind. So Ask Me Anything!

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